[Mono-dev] FileSystemWatcher Specific Implementation Check

Rick Tillery rtillerywork at gmail.com
Thu Aug 31 18:28:37 UTC 2017

Excellent! That's exactly what I was looking for.  (Totally forgot about
reflection in accessing those protected members.)

I've verified that CentOS 6(.6) uses iNotify, so that's excellent news.
Now if I can figure out why a simple wait for an event seems to be polling
in CentOS 6, the FSW approach to keeping the mono cert store automatically
sync'd with the system cert store might be baked enough for actual use
(know better than to claim fully-baked :-| ).


On Thu, Aug 31, 2017 at 11:25 AM, Robert Jordan <robertj at gmx.net> wrote:

> On 29.08.2017 23:05, Rick Tillery wrote:
>> In http://www.mono-project.com/docs/faq/technical/#what-are-the
>> -issues-with-filesystemwatcher, it mentions:
>>     The Mono implementation of FileSystemWatcher has a number of
>>     backends, the most optimal one, the one with fewer dependencies is
>>     the inotify-backend (available in Mono 1.1.17 and newer versions).
>>     With this backend the kernel provides Mono with updates on any
>>     changes to files on the file system but it requires an
>>     inotify-enabled kernel, which only newer Linux distributions ship.
>>     In older Linux systems, you must have installed FAM or Gamin (it
>>     will work with either one). You might need the -devel packets
>> installed.
>>     For the *BSD family, there’s a Kqueue based implementation that will
>>     be used when detected at runtime.
>>     If none of the above work, Mono falls back to polling the
>>     directories for changes, which far from optimal.
>> Is there any way to determine, on a given system, which backend is being
>> used?
>> Specifically, I have to support a large number of Linux distros and
>> versions going back a number of years, so I need to know that none of them
>> are using polling.
> You could access the static private field
> System.IO.FileSystemWatcher.watcher
> via reflection and then check its type:
> ---
> using System;
> using System.Reflection;
> using System.IO;
> class Test {
>         public static void Main ()
>         {
>                 var fsw = new FileSystemWatcher ();
>                 var fi = typeof (FileSystemWatcher).GetField ("watcher",
> BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
>                 Console.WriteLine (fi.GetValue (fsw).GetType ());
>         }
> }
> ---
> The polling watcher's class is "System.IO.DefaultWatcher".
> Robert
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