[Mono-dev] ReferenceSource of System.Text.UnicodeEncoding breaks System.Data.Odbc.OdbcDataReader.GetColumn(int)

Markus Beth markus.beth at zkrd.de
Sat May 9 22:57:09 UTC 2015

On 06.05.2015 02:58, Atsushi Eno wrote:
> On 2015年05月05日 01:29, Marek Safar wrote:
>> Hi,
>>     We use the attached patch for Mono 4.0.1 which changes the
>>     implementation of System.Data.Odbc.OdbcDataReader.GetColumn(int)
>>     to make
>>     it work with either implementation of
>>     System.Text.UnicodeEncoding.GetString.
>> Could you please send a pull request with the change?
>>     Does it make sense to bring in patches like this or will
>>     System.Data.Odbc be replaced by ReferenceSource in the (near) future?
>> That's not very likely, reference sources code has quite few hard
>> windows dependencies and I don't think we'll replace it or at least
>> not very soon.
> Usually that's correct, but for System.Data.Odbc we use unixodbc that
> PInvokes odbc32.dll compatible library. We already imported it.

OK, with commit 9f006cd1041c08ca6a048c039a3c57c187a1f453 I see that my 
patch (PR #1769) is no longer needed for branch master.
Would it make sense to open a new PR for branch mono-4.0.0-branch? Or is 
this a waste of effort because there will be no new release from this 


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