[Mono-dev] Dictionary implementation + concurrency

Alan alan.mcgovern at gmail.com
Mon Feb 4 10:40:37 UTC 2013


As per the 'thread safety' section of the documentation, your code is
invalid: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/xfhwa508.aspx. This
kind of change will not make it safe to use the dictionary in a
read/write way from multiple threads, especially not when you have
multiple cores and multiple unshared caches for those CPU cores.

Hashtable is documented to support multiple readers with at most 1
writer. If you require those semantics, you should use a hashtable not
a Dictionary. If you require a threadsafe dictionary class, you either
need to roll your own or use ConcurrentDictionary. This is the only
realistic way of having thread safe code.


On 4 February 2013 10:18, Rafael Teixeira <monoman at gmail.com> wrote:
> Yes, please.
> Rafael "Monoman" Teixeira
> ---------------------------------------
> "The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds new
> discoveries, is not 'Eureka!' (I found it!) but 'That's funny ...'"
> Isaac Asimov
> US science fiction novelist & scholar (1920 - 1992)
> On Sun, Feb 3, 2013 at 5:15 PM, Greg Young <gregoryyoung1 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> The .NET dictionary implementation is thread safe on reads/updates so
>> long as the internal collection does not grow and size is of reference
>> type or smaller. eg: if you set size to 1m items and had 100k with a
>> fill factor that did not cause an internal growth it would be
>> threadsafe. This assurance has been brought over from Hashtable (well
>> documented) and is relatively not well documented but many take a
>> dependency on it. The current mono implementation does not meet this
>> assurance.
>>                         int cur = table [(hashCode & int.MaxValue) %
>> table.Length] - 1;
>>                         // walk linked list until right slot is found or
>> end is reached
>>                         while (cur != NO_SLOT) {
>>                                 // The ordering is important for
>> compatibility with MS and strange
>>                                 // Object.Equals () implementations
>>                                 if (linkSlots [cur].HashCode == hashCode
>> && hcp.Equals (keySlots
>> [cur], key)) {
>>                                         value = valueSlots [cur];
>>                                         return true;
>>                                 }
>>                                 cur = linkSlots [cur].Next;
>>                         }
>> seems fine when accessing. However when adding...
>>                         // find an empty slot
>>                         cur = emptySlot;
>>                         if (cur == NO_SLOT)
>>                                 cur = touchedSlots++;
>>                         else
>>                                 emptySlot = linkSlots [cur].Next;
>>                         // store the hash code of the added item,
>>                         // prepend the added item to its linked list,
>>                         // update the hash table
>>                         linkSlots [cur].HashCode = hashCode;
>>                         linkSlots [cur].Next = table [index] - 1;
>>                         table [index] = cur + 1;
>>                         // store item's data
>>                         keySlots [cur] = key;
>>                         valueSlots [cur] = value;
>> Can cause null reads of a key as its in linkSlots but the value slot
>> has not yet been updated. Setting keySlots after valueSlots would seem
>> to solve this. Pull request wanted?
>> Cheers,
>> Greg
>> --
>> Le doute n'est pas une condition agréable, mais la certitude est absurde.
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