[Mono-dev] Bug in mono 3.0.1 MVC3 File/FileResult

quandary quandary82 at hailmail.net
Sun Feb 3 11:34:57 UTC 2013

Oh wonderful, it's called remote file inclusion.
I suspected that much, but I didn't bother to address it,
because I didn't publish the sources and internal config files - up 
until today.

So with you having mentioned it for all script kiddies to see - site 
taken down until validation is added.
Before that, I quickly checked - one can access files below the root 
directory of the web application.

Isn't this a mono-bug, too ?
Because I think I remember me having done this once on a test or 
production server, and it gave a wonderful YSOD on IIS.

On 02/03/2013 11:45 AM, Daniel Lo Nigro wrote:
> That does look like a bug with how Mono handles TransmitFile - I 
> suggest reporting it as a bug in Xamarin Bugzilla (report it under the 
> System.Web component).
> Also FYI it's probably best if you pull down those pages for now; 
> you're not validating the "myfile" parameter so it's open to a Remote 
> File Inclusion <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Remote_file_inclusion> 
> vulnerability.
> On Sun, Feb 3, 2013 at 9:38 PM, quandary <quandary82 at hailmail.net 
> <mailto:quandary82 at hailmail.net>> wrote:
>     Yep, indeed that sounds like that.
>     And I just tested.
>     Added WriteFile.ashx and Transmit.ashx
>     and testet with
>     http://www.daniel-steiger.ch/WriteFile.ashx
>     http://www.daniel-steiger.ch/Transmit.ashx
>     and
>     http://www.daniel-steiger.ch/WriteFile.ashx?myfile=avatar100.png
>     http://www.daniel-steiger.ch/Transmit.ashx?myfile=avatar100.png
>     It seems the bug is in Response.TransmitFile for files of any size
>     (also for avatar100.png, which is only 4.3 kb)
>     so to summarize, there is a rather bad-natured bug in
>     Class: System.Web.HttpResponse
>     Method: TransmitFile(string filename)
>     This is the transmit-handler code:
>     using System;
>     using System.Collections.Generic;
>     using System.Linq;
>     using System.Web;
>     namespace Homepage
>     {
>         /// <summary>
>         /// Zusammenfassungsbeschreibung für Transmit
>         /// </summary>
>         public class Transmit : IHttpHandler
>         {
>             public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
>             {
>                 string strFile = context.Request.Params["myfile"];
>                 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strFile))
>                     strFile = "001.jpg";
>                 string strNetPath =
>     string.Format("~/Content/images/gallery/{0}", strFile);
>                 string strFileNameAndPath =
>     context.Server.MapPath(strNetPath);
>                 context.Response.Clear();
>                 context.Response.ContentType = "image/jpeg";
>     context.Response.TransmitFile(strFileNameAndPath);
>             }
>             public bool IsReusable
>             {
>                 get
>                 {
>                     return false;
>                 }
>             }
>         }
>     }
>     Regards
>     Stefan
>     On 02/03/2013 06:14 AM, Daniel Lo Nigro wrote:
>>     That sounds like chunked encoding, Wikipedia says
>>     (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chunked_transfer_encoding):
>>     /Each chunk starts with the*number of octets of the data it
>>     embeds expressed in hexadecimal* followed by optional parameters
>>     (chunk extension) and a *terminating CRLF sequence*, followed by
>>     the chunk data. The chunk is terminated by CRLF. If chunk
>>     extensions are provided, the chunk size is terminated by a
>>     semicolon followed with the extension name and an optional equal
>>     sign and value./
>>     Which is exactly what you're saying. I wonder if something is not
>>     being done correctly with files as large as the ones you're
>>     using. Since you said it works for thumbnails, I assume it's
>>     working for smaller files.
>>     Try Response.WriteFile or Response.TransmitFile in a standard
>>     ASP.NET <http://ASP.NET> handler (.ashx) and see if they also
>>     don't work.
>>         All traffic to that URL [www.daniel-steiger.ch
>>         <http://www.daniel-steiger.ch/>] (except for the folders /doc
>>         and /images), but including images in /Content, is directly
>>         forwarded to fastcgi by nginx, as per fastcgi config file for
>>         domain.
>>     I'd still suggest letting Nginx serve your static files. Just
>>     because the site is low-traffic doesn't mean that little
>>     performance tweaks aren't good :). I do something like this:
>>     location / {
>>     # Pass requests for unknown files to Mono
>>     try_files $uri @mono;
>>     }
>>     location @mono {
>>     # Put all your Mono config here
>>     }
>>     My full site config is at
>>     https://github.com/Daniel15/Website/blob/master/nginx.conf
>>     On Sun, Feb 3, 2013 at 4:00 PM, SirNoSkill
>>     <quandary82 at hailmail.net <mailto:quandary82 at hailmail.net>> wrote:
>>         I have more details on the bug.
>>         The extra bytes that are at the beginning
>>         |3139366236380D0A|
>>         ||which reads 196b68/r/n in ASCII
>>         196b68 is the filesize of the original image in hex...
>>         All details + hexdump links added here:
>>         http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14662795/why-do-i-have-unwanted-extra-bytes-at-the-beginning-of-image
>>         All traffic to that URL [www.daniel-steiger.ch
>>         <http://www.daniel-steiger.ch>] (except for the folders /doc
>>         and /images), but including images in /Content, is directly
>>         forwarded to fastcgi by nginx, as per fastcgi config file for
>>         domain.
>>          server {
>>                  listen   80;
>>                  server_name www.daniel-steiger.ch
>>         <http://www.daniel-steiger.ch> daniel-steiger.ch
>>         <http://daniel-steiger.ch>;
>>                  access_log /var/log/nginx/daniel-steiger.ch.access.log;
>>                  location / {
>>                          root /home/danillo/www/HomePage;
>>                          #index index.html index.htm default.aspx
>>         Default.aspx;
>>                          #fastcgi_index Default.aspx;
>>                          fastcgi_pass
>>         <>;
>>                          include /etc/nginx/fastcgi_params;
>>                  }
>>         location /doc {
>>         root /usr/share;
>>         autoindex on;
>>         allow;
>>         deny all;
>>         }
>>         location /images {
>>         root /usr/share;
>>         autoindex off;
>>         }
>>         #error_page 404 /404.html;
>>         # redirect server error pages to the static page /50x.html
>>         #
>>         error_page 500 501 503 504 /50x.html;
>>         location = /50x.html {
>>         root /home/danillo/www/HomePage;
>>         }
>>         error_page 502 /502.html;
>>         location = /502.html {
>>         root /home/danillo/www/HomePage;
>>         }
>>         }
>>         It's sufficient to have the file served without FileResult.
>>         Of course it's more efficient if nginx serves it directly,
>>         but this is a very low traffic website, so performance is
>>         really not my problem ;)
>>         And by the way, the problem is not finding a workaround.
>>         I have already fixed it with a workaround about a week ago.
>>         I really just want to know where the bug is, because if
>>         FileResult malfunctions, there's probably more to it, and I
>>         don't want to walk into a subtle not at the first sight
>>         spottable bug later, like a botched binary upload/download file.
>>         On Sat, Feb 2, 2013, at 06:51 AM, Daniel Lo Nigro wrote:
>>>         Hmm... Maybe try an X-Accel-Redirect header instead. This
>>>         lets Nginx serve the file instead of Mono having to serve
>>>         it, which makes it more efficient. See if that makes a
>>>         difference, or if it has the same issue.
>>>         Why not just link directly to the file, instead of serving
>>>         it through your C# code?
>>>         On Sun, Feb 3, 2013 at 1:43 AM, quandary82
>>>         <quandary82 at hailmail.net <mailto:quandary82 at hailmail.net>>
>>>         wrote:
>>>             Corrected the mime, but seems to be a mono-bug (or
>>>             fastcgi) anyway.
>>>             More here:
>>>             http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14662795/why-do-i-have-unwanted-extra-bytes-at-the-beginning-of-image
>>>             --
>>>             View this message in context:
>>>             http://mono.1490590.n4.nabble.com/Bug-in-mono-3-0-1-MVC3-File-FileResult-tp4658382p4658422.html
>>>             Sent from the Mono - Dev mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
>>>             _______________________________________________
>>>             Mono-devel-list mailing list
>>>             Mono-devel-list at lists.ximian.com
>>>             <mailto:Mono-devel-list at lists.ximian.com>
>>>             http://lists.ximian.com/mailman/listinfo/mono-devel-list
>>         -- 
>>         SirNoSkill
>>         quandary82 at hailmail.net <mailto:quandary82 at hailmail.net>
>>         -- 
>>         http://www.fastmail.fm  - mmm... Fastmail...

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