[Mono-dev] Invoking unmanaged code without marshaling

Robert Jordan robertj at gmx.net
Sun Dec 2 21:42:00 UTC 2012

Manual pinning isn't required. Blittable types and their one
dimensional arrays are automatically pinned by the p/invoke


On 02.12.2012 22:19, Rafael Teixeira wrote:
> I would not go that route. Have you tried to pin the arrays in managed code
> and marshalling just the pointers, using unsafe C# code obviously? It would
> do what you want, avoid copying, but with no need to do hard to maintain
> hacks... ;-)
> Have fun,
> Em 02/12/2012 18:12, "Marcelo Zabani" <mzabani at gmail.com> escreveu:
>> Hi everyone, I've been trying to find a way to invoke unmanaged code
>> without any marshaling, i.e. by making my unmanaged functions receive
>> Mono's objects (or their addresses).
>> I've read the Embedding Mono page (a very good one at that) and found that
>> if I embed Mono in my application, I could call mono_add_internal_call on
>> my unmanaged functions and mark my C# methods with
>> [MethodImplAttribute(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall)]; there is a catch in
>> my case, however.
>> I am not trying to embed Mono in my application, I'm trying to avoid
>> marshaling from my "standard" .NET app to my C API calls since my C
>> functions deal with large byte arrays all the time, and this implies a
>> significant overhead in allocating and copying them. I would much rather
>> try pinning the arrays and accessing the underlying C-like array directly
>> in some cases (is this possible and is this in Mono's public API?). For
>> this reason, I can only run mono_add_internal_call after my managed code
>> has already executed, and apparently because of this I'm getting
>>       Unhandled Exception: System.MissingMethodException: Cannot find the
>> requested method.
>> Is there anyway to achieve what I want?
>> This is my first time with Mono's internals and I'm only beginning with
>> Interop, so please excuse any stupidities I may be doing.
>> --
>> Marcelo Zabani
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