[Mono-dev] LLVM with current Mono

Konrad M. Kruczyński konrad.kruczynski at gmail.com
Wed Oct 19 16:10:49 EDT 2011

 which branch of mono's LLVM repository should I use to compile mono
2.10.6 with --enabled-llvm? mono-2-10 one gives me:
mini-llvm-cpp.cpp: In function ‘LLVMOpaqueExecutionEngine*
mono_llvm_create_ee(LLVMOpaqueModuleProvider*, unsigned char*
(*)(LLVMOpaqueValue*, int), void (*)(LLVMOpaqueValue*, void*, void*),
void (*)(void*))’:
mini-llvm-cpp.cpp:469: error: cannot allocate an object of abstract type
mini-llvm-cpp.cpp:59: note:   because the following virtual functions
are pure within ‘MonoJITMemoryManager’:
/usr/include/llvm/ExecutionEngine/JITMemoryManager.h:115: note: 	virtual
void llvm::JITMemoryManager::deallocateFunctionBody(void*)
/usr/include/llvm/ExecutionEngine/JITMemoryManager.h:131: note: 	virtual
void llvm::JITMemoryManager::deallocateExceptionTable(void*)


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