[Mono-dev] compile mono on windows

Jonathan Chambers joncham at gmail.com
Sat Apr 30 11:00:38 EDT 2011


I did complete a 32-bit runtime build using the MinGW toolchain instead of
cygwin. I did this on git master with no changes required. I'm trying a
64-bit built next, and will hopefully make any adjustments needed for a
successful 64-bit build.

The class lib part of the build failed. I think this is due to the absence
of cygpath which is used to adjust paths. There were multiple warnings about
cygpath missing during the runtime build, but it succeeded anyway. However,
the class lib build failed immediately with odd look paths. I'll look into
that when I get the chance, hopefully to see what is required to get a full
build using MinGW.

I followed your directions with a few adjustments. I had to install
automake, autoconf, and libtool from MSys. I didn't install pkg-config or
glib since neither seem needed by the current build in git.

- Jonathan

On Mon, Apr 18, 2011 at 1:35 AM, Frank Fuchs <fk.fuchs at googlemail.com>wrote:

> The build takes about 10min on a Corei7 desktop machine using a single make thread
> (I did not test parallel make). I don't know how this compares to cywin's build time, sorry.
> My argument against cygwin was the lack of gcc-4.X and the lack of a 64 bit toolchain.
> I don't know if these are actually a valid arguments but I also found cygwin very hard to handle.
> Frank
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