[Mono-dev] Issues with System.Random

Adrian Willenbücher AWillenbuecher at gmx.de
Mon Mar 15 18:32:40 EDT 2010


I noticed that the implementation of System.Random has a couple of flaws:
1.) The algorithm for the random data fails miserably in some of the Diehard tests (http://i.cs.hku.hk/~diehard/), even 
if it is slightly changed in order to generate full 32-bit random values.
2.) It might return a negative value:
"if (retVal < 0) retVal += MBIG;"
results in -1 for retVal == int.MinValue, which is forbidden.
3.) The use of floating-point arithmetic introduces numerical errors since int.MaxValue is not a power of two (so 
1.0/int.MaxValue is not representable without errors).

I reimplemented the class using the xorshift algorithm by George Marsaglia, which he posted on comp.lang.c 
(http://groups.google.com/group/comp.lang.c/browse_thread/thread/a9915080a4424068/), and tested it with the Diehard 
battery of tests (it passed); it avoids any FP arithmetic where it is not needed.

The interface of the class is still pretty screwed up, but sadly we can't change that.

I also completely rewrote the unit tests; they are stricter and more precise now. The expected values were produced by 
running the C-code given by George Marsaglia.

The patches for the two files can be found below.


Index: mcs/class/corlib/System/Random.cs
--- mcs/class/corlib/System/Random.cs	(revision 153607)
+++ mcs/class/corlib/System/Random.cs	(working copy)
@@ -4,12 +4,11 @@
  // Authors:
  //   Bob Smith (bob at thestuff.net)
  //   Ben Maurer (bmaurer at users.sourceforge.net)
+//   Adrian Willenbücher (AWillenbuecher at gmx.de)
  // (C) 2001 Bob Smith.  http://www.thestuff.net
  // (C) 2003 Ben Maurer
  // Copyright (C) 2004 Novell, Inc (http://www.novell.com)
  // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
@@ -39,104 +38,98 @@
  	[ComVisible (true)]
  	public class Random
-		const int MBIG = int.MaxValue;
-		const int MSEED = 161803398;
+		private uint [] state = new uint [5];

-		int inext, inextp;
-		int [] SeedArray = new int [56];
-		public Random ()
-			: this (Environment.TickCount)
+		public Random () : this(Environment.TickCount)

  		public Random (int Seed)
-			int ii;
-			int mj, mk;
-			// Numerical Recipes in C online @ http://www.library.cornell.edu/nr/bookcpdf/c7-1.pdf
-			mj = MSEED - Math.Abs (Seed);
-			SeedArray [55] = mj;
-			mk = 1;
-			for (int i = 1; i < 55; i++) {  //  [1, 55] is special (Knuth)
-				ii = (21 * i) % 55;
-				SeedArray [ii] = mk;
-				mk = mj - mk;
-				if (mk < 0)
-					mk += MBIG;
-				mj = SeedArray [ii];
-			}
-			for (int k = 1; k < 5; k++) {
-				for (int i = 1; i < 56; i++) {
-					SeedArray [i] -= SeedArray [1 + (i + 30) % 55];
-					if (SeedArray [i] < 0)
-						SeedArray [i] += MBIG;
-				}
-			}
-			inext = 0;
-			inextp = 31;
+			state [0] = 123456789 ^ (uint)Seed;
+			state [1] = 362436069;
+			state [2] = 521288629;
+			state [3] = 88675123;
+			state [4] = 886756453;

-		protected virtual double Sample ()
+		/* Uses the xorshift algorithm by George Marsaglia on:
+		 * http://groups.google.com/group/comp.lang.c/browse_thread/thread/a9915080a4424068/
+		 */
+		private uint NextUInt32 ()
-			int retVal;
+			var temp = state [0] ^ (state [0] >> 7);
+			temp = temp ^ (temp << 13);

-			if (++inext  >= 56) inext  = 1;
-			if (++inextp >= 56) inextp = 1;
+			for (var i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
+				state [i] = state [i + 1];
+			state [4] = (state [4] ^ (state [4] << 6)) ^ temp;
+			return (2 * state [1] + 1) * state [4];
+		}

-			retVal = SeedArray [inext] - SeedArray [inextp];
+		private uint NextUInt32 (uint maxValue)
+		{
+			if (maxValue == 0)
+				return 0;

-			if (retVal < 0)
-				retVal += MBIG;
+			// Mask for all bits beneath and including most significant bit
+			var mask = maxValue;
+			mask = mask | (mask >> 1);
+			mask = mask | (mask >> 2);
+			mask = mask | (mask >> 4);
+			mask = mask | (mask >> 8);
+			mask = mask | (mask >> 16);
+			uint x;
+			do {
+				x = NextUInt32 () & mask;
+			} while (x >= maxValue);
+			return x;
+		}

-			SeedArray [inext] = retVal;
+		protected virtual double Sample ()
+		{
+			return NextUInt32 () * (1.0 / 4294967296.0);
+		}

-			return retVal * (1.0 / MBIG);
+		public virtual double NextDouble ()
+		{
+			return Sample ();

  		public virtual int Next ()
-			return (int)(Sample () * int.MaxValue);
+			const uint cutoff = 2147483648u;
+			var x = NextUInt32 ();
+			return x >= cutoff ? (int)(x - cutoff) : (int)x;

  		public virtual int Next (int maxValue)
  			if (maxValue < 0)
-				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(Locale.GetText (
-					"Max value is less than min value."));
+				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("maxValue is less than minValue.");

-			return (int)(Sample () * maxValue);
+			return (int)NextUInt32 ((uint)maxValue);

  		public virtual int Next (int minValue, int maxValue)
  			if (minValue > maxValue)
-				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException (Locale.GetText (
-					"Min value is greater than max value."));
+				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("minValue is greater than maxValue.");

-			// special case: a difference of one (or less) will always return the minimum
-			// e.g. -1,-1 or -1,0 will always return -1
-			uint diff = (uint) (maxValue - minValue);
-			if (diff <= 1)
-				return minValue;
-			return (int)((uint)(Sample () * diff) + minValue);
+			return (int)NextUInt32 ((uint)(maxValue - minValue)) + minValue;

  		public virtual void NextBytes (byte [] buffer)
  			if (buffer == null)
-				throw new ArgumentNullException ("buffer");
+				throw new ArgumentNullException ("buffer is null.");

-			for (int i = 0; i < buffer.Length; i++) {
-				buffer [i] = (byte)(Sample () * (byte.MaxValue + 1));
-			}
+			for (var i = 0; i < buffer.Length; ++i)
+				buffer [i] = (byte)NextUInt32 ();
-		public virtual double NextDouble ()
-		{
-			return this.Sample ();
-		}

Index: mcs/class/corlib/Test/System/RandomTest.cs
--- mcs/class/corlib/Test/System/RandomTest.cs	(revision 153607)
+++ mcs/class/corlib/Test/System/RandomTest.cs	(working copy)
@@ -2,8 +2,7 @@
  // System.Random Test Cases
  // Authors:
-//	Bob Smith <bob at thestuff.net>
-//	Sebastien Pouliot  <sebastien at ximian.com>
+//  Adrian Willenbücher <AWillenbuecher at gmx.de>
  // Copyright (C) 2004 Novell, Inc (http://www.novell.com)
@@ -28,104 +27,159 @@

  using NUnit.Framework;
+using NUnit.Framework.SyntaxHelpers;
  using System;

  namespace MonoTests.System {

  	public class RandomTest  {
+#region Next ()
+		[Test]
+		public void SeededSequence1 ()
+		{
+			int [] expected = { 256171686, 924759460, 1326063082, 1748505655, 770391478, 893875434, 1927233845,
+				1915141213, 1304416967, 1040106214, 1413028753, 517287625, 164449503, 484347407, 134543290, 1497001777,
+				1437568641, 1805630818, 442001507, 276608167 };

-#if false
-		//
-		// This test will fail, given enough runs.
-		//
-		// It is an ad-hoc test for distribution, and does not work
-		// 100% of the time.
-		//
+			var rng = new Random (-1234);
+			foreach (var x in expected)
+				Assert.That (x, Is.EqualTo (rng.Next ()), "#A01");
+		}
-		public void NextDouble ()
+		public void SeededSequence2 ()
-			Random r = new Random ();
-			int i;
-			double c=0;
-			for (i=0; i<20; i++)
-				c += r.NextDouble ();
-			c/=i;
-			Assert.IsTrue (c.ToString () + " is out of range.", c < .7 && c > .3);
+			int [] expected = { 545630734, 1871987772, 32100770, 2055383023, 588683182, 770534463, 129782961, 1446710564,
+				1212431109, 342542925, 1688944563, 631123534, 1233995261, 1977968768, 1785858814, 375605933, 1274134403,
+				2089187981, 919781722, 1124065708 };
+			var rng = new Random (0);
+			foreach (var x in expected)
+				Assert.That (x, Is.EqualTo (rng.Next ()), "#A02");

+		[Test]
+		public void SeededSequence3 ()
+		{
+			int [] expected = { 428190222, 177488956, 1323946402, 2139269103, 1846974382, 2037083199, 817648817,
+				341642532, 1854421765, 726977101, 2110569395, 1682606670, 414270973, 582707328, 2058012414, 664397541,
+				735971203, 1192835725, 373417658, 1356677716 };

+			var rng = new Random (int.MaxValue);
+			foreach (var e in expected)
+				Assert.That (rng.Next (), Is.EqualTo (e), "#A03");
+		}
+#region Next (int)
-		public void CompareStreamWithSameSeed ()
+		public void NextMax1 ()
-			Random r = new Random (42);
-			Random r2 = new Random (42);
-			double c=0, c2=0;
-			for (int i=0; i<20; i++) {
-				c += r.NextDouble ();
-				c2 += r2.NextDouble ();
-			}
-			Assert.AreEqual (c, c2, "Compare");
+			var rng = new Random (0);
+			Assert.That (rng.Next (0), Is.EqualTo (0), "#B01");

-		public void Next ()
+		public void NextMax2 ()
-			Random r = new Random ();
-			for (int i=0; i<20; i++) {
-				long c = r.Next ();
-				Assert.IsTrue (c < Int32.MaxValue && c >= 0, "Next(" + i + ")");
+			var rng = new Random (0);
+			int [] maxValues = { 1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 };
+			foreach (var maxValue in maxValues) {
+				for (var i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
+					var x = rng.Next (maxValue);
+					Assert.That (x, Is.GreaterThanOrEqualTo (0), "#B02a");
+					Assert.That (x, Is.LessThan (maxValue), "#B02b");
+				}

-		public void NextMax()
+		[ExpectedException ("System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException", UserMessage="#B03")]
+		public void NextMax3 ()
-			Random r = new Random();
-			for (int i=0; i<20; i++) {
-				long c = r.Next (10);
-				Assert.IsTrue (c < 10 && c >= 0, "NextMax(" + i + ")");
-			}
+			var rng = new Random (0);
+			rng.Next (-1);

+#region Next (int, int)
-		public void NextMinMax()
+		public void NextMinMax1 ()
-			Random r = new Random ();
-			Assert.AreEqual (42, r.Next (42, 42), "#1 Failed where min == max");
-			Assert.AreEqual (Int32.MaxValue, r.Next (Int32.MaxValue, Int32.MaxValue), "#2 Failed where min == max");
-			Assert.AreEqual (Int32.MinValue, r.Next (Int32.MinValue, Int32.MinValue), "#3 Failed where min == max");
-			Assert.AreEqual (0, r.Next (0, 0), "#4 Failed where min == max");
-			for (int i = 1; i <= Int32.MaxValue / 2; i *= 2) {
-				long c = r.Next (i, i * 2);
-				Assert.IsTrue (c < i * 2, "At i=" + i + " c < i*2 failed");
-				Assert.IsTrue (c >= i, "At i=" + i + " c >= i failed");
+			var rng = new Random (0);
+			Assert.That (rng.Next (-50, -50), Is.EqualTo (-50), "#C01");
+		}
+		[Test]
+		public void NextMinMax2 ()
+		{
+			var rng = new Random (0);
+			int [] minValues = { -4, -3, -2, 0, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 0, int.MinValue, int.MinValue };
+			int [] maxValues = { -3, 0, 10, 1, 5, 7, 7, 15, 16, int.MaxValue, 0, int.MaxValue };
+			for (var i = 0; i < minValues.Length; ++i) {
+				var minValue = minValues [i];
+				var maxValue = maxValues [i];
+				for (var j = 0; j < 100; ++j) {
+					var x = rng.Next (minValue, maxValue);
+					Assert.That (x, Is.GreaterThanOrEqualTo (minValue), "#C02a");
+					Assert.That (x, Is.LessThan (maxValue), "#C02b");
+				}
-			for (int i = -1; i >= Int32.MinValue / 2; i *= 2) {
-				long c = r.Next (i * 2, i);
-				Assert.IsTrue (c < i, "At i=" + i + " c < i*2 failed");
-				Assert.IsTrue (c >= i * 2, "At i=" + i + " c >= i failed");
-			}

-/* Mono implementation is now compatible with Knuth (not MS) implementation (choice of constants)
-		public void CompareWithMS ()
+		[ExpectedException("System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException", UserMessage = "#C03")]
+		public void NextMinMax3 ()
-			string[] r = new string [4];
-			byte[] buffer = new byte [8];
-			int x = 4;
-			while (x-- > 0) {
-				int seed = (x << x);
-				Random random = new Random (seed);
-				random.NextBytes (buffer);
-				r [x] = BitConverter.ToString (buffer);
-			}
-			Assert.AreEqual ("43-DB-8B-AE-0A-88-A8-7B", r [3], "Seed(24)");
-			Assert.AreEqual ("E7-2A-5C-44-D1-8C-7D-74", r [2], "Seed(8)");
-			Assert.AreEqual ("C5-67-2A-FC-1B-4E-CD-72", r [1], "Seed(2)");
-			Assert.AreEqual ("B9-D1-C4-8E-34-8F-E7-71", r [0], "Seed(0)");
-		}*/
+			var rng = new Random (0);
+			rng.Next (11, 10);
+		}
+#region NextBytes (byte [])
+		[Test]
+		public void NextBytes1 ()
+		{
+			var rng = new Random (-1);
+			byte [] expected = { 14, 60, 162, 239, 174, 63, 177, 36, 5, 77, 179, 78, 253, 128, 254, 157, 131, 141, 26 };
+			byte [] values = new byte [expected.Length];
+			rng.NextBytes (values);
+			Assert.That (values, Is.EqualTo (expected), "#D01");
+		}
+		[Test]
+		[ExpectedException("System.ArgumentNullException", UserMessage = "#D02")]
+		public void NextBytes2 ()
+		{
+			var rng = new Random (-1);
+			rng.NextBytes (null);
+		}
+#region NextDouble ()
+		[Test]
+		public void NextDouble1 ()
+		{
+			double [] expected = { 0.62703955499455332756042480468750, 0.43585611786693334579467773437500,
+				0.00747404294088482856750488281250, 0.97855615220032632350921630859375,
+				0.13706348417326807975769042968750, 0.17940403497777879238128662109375,
+				0.03021745034493505954742431640625, 0.33683855179697275161743164062500,
+				0.78229111549444496631622314453125, 0.57975448970682919025421142578125,
+				0.39323804969899356365203857421875, 0.64694489864632487297058105468750,
+				0.28731191088445484638214111328125, 0.96053174138069152832031250000000,
+				0.41580265713855624198913574218750, 0.58745257114060223102569580078125,
+				0.29665753315202891826629638671875, 0.98642698233015835285186767578125,
+				0.71415337035432457923889160156250, 0.76171694230288267135620117187500 };
+			var rng = new Random (0);
+			foreach (var e in expected)
+				Assert.That(rng.NextDouble(), Is.EqualTo(e).Within(1e-28));
+		}

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