[Mono-dev] POSTing objects in JSON format...

Atsushi Eno atsushieno at veritas-vos-liberabit.com
Tue Jan 26 02:25:25 EST 2010

Hello Eduardo,

Thanks, your repro was simple enough to try :) Now I'm getting some 
ASP.NET integration issue that should be fixed. I'll see if further 
issues exist once I fixed the issue I faced now. It may take a while as 
I'm now full with other bugs, but I put your case on my stack.

Atsushi Eno

On 2010/01/26 16:09, Eduardo Segura wrote:
> Hi Atsushi,
> Thanks for the quick answer. I'm attaching a solution with a simple
> service. The method I'm trying to call is the one receiving two
> composite types.
> Could you quickly verify if this works for you? Sorry I didn't file a
> bug or gave more details earlier today, but I thought it was just me
> cutting my teeth with mono.
> Bjorg, you might actually be on the right track. I did try to feed the
> service with some well-formed xml, and the exceptions changed
> immediately. Maybe it's something related to the selection of the mime
> type? I'm using 'Poster' (firefox add-on) to hand-craft my post
> requests to the service. The mime type I'm using is application/json,
> as defined in RFC 4627
> Thanks for the help,
> Best,
> ed-
> On Mon, Jan 25, 2010 at 6:06 PM, Atsushi Eno
> <atsushieno at veritas-vos-liberabit.com>  wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Our WebHttpBinding does support json-based requests and responses.
>> There is a lot of possibilities why you don't get json response instead
>> of xml, and I can't give you an answer with almost no information.
>> If you file a bug with the steps to configure and run the service, I'll
>> have a look.
>> Atsushi Eno
>> On 2010/01/26 9:47, ed.segura wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm wondering why this format doesn't work for mono, when it does for
>>> windows?
>>> I'm trying to send a simple post request to the service, which contains
>>> the
>>> following:
>>> {"composite":{"BoolValue":true,"StringValue":"aaa"},"composite2":{"BoolValue":true,"StringValue":"bbb"}}
>>> This works fine in VS2008, but I keep getting an exception when I try to
>>> POST that data using mono:
>>> Exit HttpContextAcquired:
>>> Exit AspNetReplyChannel.WaitForRequest
>>> AspNetReplyChannel caught an error: System.Xml.XmlException: Text node
>>> cannot appear in this state.  Line 1, position 1.
>>>    at Mono.Xml2.XmlTextReader.ReadText (Boolean notWhitespace) [0x00199] in
>>> /usr/src/packages/BUILD/mono-2.6.1/mcs/class/System.XML/System.Xml/XmlTextReader.cs:1699
>>>    at Mono.Xml2.XmlTextReader.ReadContent () [0x0015c] in
>>> /usr/src/packages/BUILD/mono-2.6.1/mcs/class/System.XML/System.Xml/XmlTextReader.cs:1345
>>>    at Mono.Xml2.XmlTextReader.Read () [0x00141] in
>>> /usr/src/packages/BUILD/mono-2.6.1/mcs/class/System.XML/System.Xml/XmlTextReader.cs:619
>>>    at System.Xml.XmlTextReader.Read () [0x0006b] in
>>> /usr/src/packages/BUILD/mono-2.6.1/mcs/class/System.XML/System.Xml/XmlTextReader2.cs:564
>>> ...
>>> Am I missing something? I tried with several variations of the syntax, but
>>> nothing seems to work. I also looked in the forums for json serialization
>>> issues on 'post', but no luck.
>>> Any help will be highly appreciated...
>>> ed-

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