[Mono-dev] Patch for CookieContainer.SetCookies

Tom Philpot tom.philpot at logos.com
Wed Jan 20 20:48:57 EST 2010

On Jan 20, 2010, at 1:58 PM, Sebastien Pouliot wrote:

why not simply
c.HttpOnly = cookie.HttpOnly;
c.Secure = cookie.Secure;

if there's a problem with this simpler code then it does not get caught
by your new unit tests.

I had thought I saw code like the following in Cookie.cs (for Secure and HttpOnly) at one point.
public bool Secure
get { return secure; }
set { secure = true; }

Je fumais la moquette.

I suspect the "expires" case is the buggy one wrt your unit test
(previous email).


The expires test case worked perfectly if you're on the Pacific Time Zone ;). It should be fixed in this patch.

I believe I've followed the coding conventions, but I'm not quite sure about the long Regex's in CookieContainer.cs.

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