[Mono-dev] Managing multipage tiff

APS dev.malst at apsystems.it
Thu Dec 16 10:55:32 EST 2010


I've a library that works on multipage tiff.
Creating a new multipage image I do something like this:

EncoderParameters eps=new EncoderParameters(2);
eps.Param[0]=new EncoderParameter(Encoder.Compression, 
eps.Param[1] = new EncoderParameter(Encoder.SaveFlag, 

the first page is created with

imageTmp1.Save(Result, infos[n], eps);

the second page with

eps.Param[0]=new EncoderParameter(Encoder.Compression, 
eps.Param[1]=new EncoderParameter(Encoder.SaveFlag, 
ImgTmp.SaveAdd(imageTmp1, eps);

When this second statement is executed I obtain the following error:

System.Web.HttpUnhandledException: Exception of type 
'System.Web.HttpUnhandledException' was thrown. ---> 
System.NotImplementedException: The requested feature is not 
implemented [GDI+ status: NotImplemented]
   at System.Drawing.GDIPlus.CheckStatus (Status status) [0x00000]
   at System.Drawing.Image.SaveAdd 
(System.Drawing.Imaging.EncoderParameters encoderParams) [0x00000]
   at (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) 
System.Drawing.Image:SaveAdd (System.Drawing.Imaging.EncoderParameters)

I downloaded libgdiplus from mono web site and I checked that also 
libgdiplus 2.8.1 doesn't support this method.
There's another way to manage multipaged tiff with mono without these methods?
Thanks in advance.

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