[Mono-dev] stack overflow exception in __icall_wrapper_helper_ldstr

Steve Bjorg steveb at mindtouch.com
Sat Oct 24 15:27:08 EDT 2009

I wonder if anyone has an idea why __icall_wrapper_helper_ldstr may  
produce a stack overflow?  This is running Mono on Cent OS.

We're getting the following exception trace.  All invocations, except  
the last one, are in managed code.

Unhandled Exception: System.StackOverflowException: The requested  
operation caused a stack overflow.
   at (wrapper managed-to-native) object:__icall_wrapper_helper_ldstr  
   at MindTouch.Deki.DekiScriptFunction 
(MindTouch.Deki.Script.DekiScriptLiteral arguments) [0x00000]
   at MindTouch.Deki.DekiScriptFunctionNative.Invoke  
(MindTouch.Deki.Script.DekiScriptLiteral arguments) [0x00000]
   at MindTouch.Deki.Script.DekiScriptRuntime+<Invoke>d__0.MoveNext ()  
   at MindTouch.Dream.Coroutine.Iterate (IEnumerator`1 coroutine,  
MindTouch.Tasking.TaskEnv env, System.Action`1 completion) [0x00000]
   at MindTouch.Dream.Coroutine.Invoke 
(MindTouch.Dream.CoroutineHandler`4 callee, MindTouch.Dream.XUri arg1,  
MindTouch.Deki.Script.DekiScriptLiteral arg2,  
MindTouch.Deki.Script.DekiScriptEnv arg3, MindTouch.Dream.Result`1  
result) [0x00000]
   at MindTouch.Deki.Script.DekiScriptCall.Evaluate  
(MindTouch.Deki.Script.DekiScriptEnv env) [0x00000]
(... snip 20 lines ...)
   at MindTouch.Dream.Task.New (System.VoidHandler handler) [0x00000]
   at MindTouch.Dream.DreamFeatureChain.Handler  
(MindTouch.Dream.Result`1 result) [0x00000]
   at MindTouch.Tasking.TaskEnv+<>c__DisplayClass6`1 
() [0x00000]
  (System.VoidHandler callback) [0x00000]
   at MindTouch.Threading.DispatchThread.DispatchLoop () [0x00000]

We're currently trying to get a reliable repro case, but maybe this is  
a known issue that was fixed in later builds.  Please let me know.   


- Steve

Steve G. Bjorg
irc.freenode.net #mindtouch

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