[Mono-dev] Re moting between dotnet framework and mono framework

Eric45 eric.ferro at newron-system.com
Wed Mar 11 11:36:32 EDT 2009


Perhaps i was not enough precise in my question.

I want to make a DOTnet client on windows running above Microsoft DOTnet
framework 2.0.
Then i have a DOTnet server on linux running above MONO.

So i am asking myself if remoting will be compliant.
Lets take an example.

If the client pass a serialized object (one of my ISerializable class) lets
named it Class1. 
How the MONO server make the link with its own class Class1 (exactly the
same) to reconstruct it ?
How it makes the link between Class1 on Windows DOTnet and the Class1 on
MONO ? Because the class has same name in same dll name and same namespace ?
That i do not understand.

For reference, MarshalledByRef, i think all is ok because it is only a
pointer on a proxy and an Interface. So i imagine it works.


Robert Jordan wrote:
> Hi,
> Eric45 wrote:
>> Is it possible to have a remoting MONO server working on linux being
>> contacted by a DONET windows remoting client ?
> Yes.
>> If yes how the compliance is made between objects passed by reference ?
> I don't understand this question. Do you mean MarshalByRefObjects?
> They are supported.
>> Same question about objects passed by serialization ?
> You can expect 100% compatibility with custom classes (those you've
> designed yourself).
> Basic BCL classes (ArrayList, Hashtable) are also compatible,
> but it's safer to not depend on classes that are not under your
> control.
> Robert
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