[Mono-dev] nunit test upgrading task force

Atsushi Eno atsushieno at veritas-vos-liberabit.com
Wed Jun 24 05:15:27 EDT 2009

Thanks Charlie. It is good to know that it does not likely
to be much more tasks to do for upgrading. On the other hand
I was under the impression that those obsoleted ones lived in 2.5 -
the conversion work is likely needed more.

BTW for those who join the upgrading, Zoltan has a script
of easy lines that would do large parts of the work. (attached)

Before posting changes, please make sure that

- there is no tests lost in transition.
- no regression is brought.

Some addendum: since reviewing the changes may still become massive
(Miguel did not want to spend our resources too much, and it is
pretty much understandable) I might take a while to do it, or at
worst have to discard the effort (in case changes look too significant
to review history). Sorry if in such case. I hope it goes well.

Atsushi Eno

Charlie Poole wrote:
> Hi,
> What you described below, plus the later comment about
> adding TestFixture and test, should work OK. If there
> are other types of asserts, you'll need to translate
> them. I'm happy to take any questions (list or direct
> email) of the nature "What's the best way ..."
> Also, even though I called 2.4.8 the last 2.4 release,
> I'd be glad to to a 2.4.9 for Mono if there should be
> any problems that are easy to fix.
> Charlie
> PS: If you find (using NUnit 2.4.x) that anything is 
> marked Obsolete, you can pretty much count that it's 
> already gone in 2.5.

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