[Mono-dev] inherited event

Vladimir Giszpenc vgiszpenc at dsci.com
Wed Feb 25 13:54:51 EST 2009



I was wondering why events have to be in local scope to be called.  If
the event is in a base class, shouldn't I be able to invoke it?

This is not a bug in Mono as the behavior is the same on MS.Net, but I
was hoping for some insight.






namespace TestEvents


    public abstract class Foo


        protected event EventHandler OnBar;


        public event EventHandler Bar




                lock (OnBar)


                    this.OnBar += value;





                lock (OnBar)


                    this.OnBar -= value;





    public class ConcreteFoo : Foo


        public void DoStuff()


            if (null!=this.OnBar) //Why can't I do this?


                this.OnBar(this, new EventArgs());





    class Program


        static void Main(string[] args)


            Foo foo = new ConcreteFoo();

            foo.Bar += new EventHandler(foo_Bar);





        static void foo_Bar(object sender, EventArgs e)


            Console.WriteLine("FOOBAR happened");





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