[Mono-dev] Mono 2.0 LiveCD

Andrew Jorgensen ajorgensen at novell.com
Wed Oct 8 00:25:29 EDT 2008

This is nothing more than an unfortunate (and preplexing!) oversight on
my part.  We will probably re-spin the LiveCD and VMware image to
include this.

I think what happened is that my cached repositories didn't have the
debuginfo packages (because rsync.opensuse.org filters those) so I
removed all the packages that included the word "debug".  I am very
sorry for the inconvenience.

In the mean time you can get a root terminal by running 'sudo -i' and
then do 'zypper ref' and 'zypper install mono-debugger'.  This will work
in the LiveCD also but will eat up some memory.

Again, I'm really really sorry about that.  The debugger should
definitely be included in the LiveCD and VMware appliance.

Andrew Jorgensen

>>> "pablosantosluac at terra.es" <pablosantosluac at terra.es> 10/07/08 4:35
PM >>>
Ok, but I guess the mdb is stable already, right?

Andrés G. Aragoneses escribió:
> pablosantosluac at terra.es wrote:
>> Hi folks,
>> I've just downloaded and played around a little bit with Mono 2.0
>> Some comments/suggestions:
>> - The included MonoDevelop doesn't come with the debugger
>> - The mdb command is not available
>> Since it's the first thing a lot of newcomers are going to see about 
>> Mono, I'd strongly recommend to include the debugger, now that it's 
>> available and announced at Miguel's post.
>> Regards,
>> pablo
> The debugger Addin for MD is going to be included in the upcoming MD
> release (currently lives in trunk). I guess the LiveCD has the stable
> Regards,
>     Andrés
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