[Mono-dev] [PATCH] Add mixed-mode assembly support on Windows (now build with cygwin as well)

Kornél Pál kornelpal at gmail.com
Sat May 3 09:54:25 EDT 2008


> From: Jonathan Chambers
> This patch seems to be the cause of the build failures on Win32:

I have tracked down the issue. The problem is that 
"load_aot_module_from_cache" calls that calls "mono_dl_open" that calls 
"LoadLibrary" with just a file name without a full path. This will result in 
MS.NET assemblies being loaded when MS.NET is in PATH. I don't know how 
load_aot_module_from_cache is supposed to work but I think this is a bug in 

On the other hand my patch had a bug with reference counting when the image 
was loaded using LoadLibrary outside of image.c. Assembly name is a pointer 
to raw_data that was freed that caused the problems you described. This 
should now be fixed.

Please try the attached patch. If the build is still broken please let me 

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