[Mono-dev] wrong generic method signature

Denis ERCHOFF d_erchoff at hotmail.com
Tue Jul 8 04:09:57 EDT 2008


I would like to share with you a small modification in the mono C# compiler.

Initially the problem was :

    i write a simple generic method like this :

          public void test_generic_method<A>(int B)

    using the ms compiler + the VS object viewer, the signature appear 
in the format :

    using the mono compiler + the VS object viewer, the signature appear 
in the format :

           test_generic_method<A>() <--- where is the paranter signature 
part ?
          If i use the Luts Roeader's.Net Reflector, it crashed when i 
try to parse the class containing this method.

---> The mono .net framework is not installed in my computer. I use only 
a ms .net framework. So maybe the problem doesn't occur with the mono 

It seems that the MethodBuilder.SetParameters doesn't work as expected 
if you don't define parameters when calling the method 

So i tryed to change the mono c# compiler to have the expected signature :

In the Mono.CSharp.MethodOrOperator.DefineGenericMethod i removed all 
the generic related code :

protected bool DefineGenericMethod ()
            if (!DoDefineBase ())
                return false;
            return true;

And i rewrited the Mono.CSharp.MethodData.DefineMethodBuilder as :

        void DefineMethodBuilder (TypeContainer container, string 
method_name, Type[] ParameterTypes)
            if (builder == null) {
                builder = container.TypeBuilder.DefineMethod (
                    method_name, flags, method.CallingConventions,
                    method.ReturnType, ParameterTypes);
                if (GenericMethod != null)
                    //MethodBuilder = 
Parent.TypeBuilder.DefineMethod(GetFullName(MemberName), flags);
                    GenericMethod.Define(MethodBuilder, null);

                if (builder.Attributes != flags)
                        if (methodbuilder_attrs_field == null)
                            methodbuilder_attrs_field = 
typeof(MethodBuilder).GetField("attrs", BindingFlags.NonPublic | 
                        methodbuilder_attrs_field.SetValue(builder, flags);
"Generic method MethodAttributes");


Like this, all seems to be good ( event the   Luts Roeader's.Net 
Reflector ).

Tell me if something is wrong.


P.s. : I attached a patch file to this email.
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