[Mono-dev] Streaming with Moonlight/Silverlight vs Flash

Federico Di Gregorio fog at initd.org
Tue Jul 8 03:59:50 EDT 2008

Il giorno lun, 07/07/2008 alle 15.42 +0200, Rolf Bjarne Kvinge ha
> > We also investigated the possibility of writing a a managed RTP
> > implementation but it seems that UDP is not supported in Silverlight.
> > And even if we manage to have a working implementation of RTP it is not
> > clear how you can decode the data and send it to the multimedia part of
> > the framework.
> You can't.

This is very unfortunate.

> > I am writing to this list because I _hope_ we missed something and that
> > Silverlight/Moonlight can be used to play streams using open protocols
> > and codecs.
> If you can't/won't use MS codecs (Windows Media), you can't use Silverlight
> (support for other codecs have been requested by normal users on MS forums,
> no promise has been given by MS though.)) 
> However since Moonlight is open sourced it is possible to add support for
> other codecs/protocols, and patches to implement tle to his are very welcome :)

Unfortunately we need to reach people that won't be able to install
Moonlight. Alas, we'll go with Flash (I was hoping to be able to use C#
and MonoDevelop, too bad. :/ )

Thank you for the information.


Federico Di Gregorio                         http://people.initd.org/fog
Debian GNU/Linux Developer                                fog at debian.org
INIT.D Developer                                           fog at initd.org
     One key. One input. One enter. All right. -- An american consultant
           (then the system crashed and took down the *entire* network)
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