[Mono-dev] Bug in todays WebBrowser commit

Andreas Nahr ClassDevelopment at A-SoftTech.com
Thu Jan 24 16:53:17 EST 2008

There is a bug in the todays commit to Windows Forms Webbrowser:

+		// from http://www.w3.org/TR/html401/index/elements.html
+		public bool CanHaveChildren {
+			get {
+				string tag = this.TagName;
+				switch (tag.ToLower ()) {
+					case "area":
+					case "base":
+					case "basefont":
+					case "br":
+					case "col":
+					case "frame":
+					case "hr":
+					case "img":
+					case "input":
+					case "isindex":
+					case "link":
+					case "meta":
+					case "param":
+						return false;
+					break;
+					default:
+						return true;
+						break;
+				}
+			}
+		}

It should be tag.ToLowerInvariant () because HTML-Tags are not dependent on
the current system locale ;)


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