[Mono-dev] [Mono-list] Mono 1.2.6 / openSUSE 10.3 VMware Image

Daniel Nauck dna at informatik.uni-kiel.de
Sat Feb 16 15:33:44 EST 2008


Sharique uddin Ahmed Farooqui schrieb:
> On Feb 16, 2008 5:55 AM, Miguel de Icaza <miguel at novell.com 
> <mailto:miguel at novell.com>> wrote:
>      > Thanks. I have downloaded VM today.
>      > I would like to see Mono-paint in next version of Vm.
> I think we should include some experimental stuff  in VM, because VMs 
> (Generally) used to test the new things, before actually using them. I 
> think we should include moonlight stuff next version of VM,  it will 
> surely (I think) attract new users.
> What is other's opinion?

On http://www.mono-project.com/Other_Downloads#Snapshots is another 
VMWare Image listet, provided by the german usergroup.

Its updated every month with Mono from svn head including Moonlight, etc.


> -- 
> Sharique uddin Ahmed Farooqui
> (C++/C# Developer, IT Consultant)
> A revolution is about to begin.
> A world is about to change.
> And you and I are "the initiator".

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