[Mono-dev] [PATCH] System.Security: trivial fixes for XmlDsig transforms

"Andrés G. Aragoneses" knocte at gmail.com
Thu Aug 14 11:14:37 EDT 2008

Gert Driesen wrote:
>> Perhaps we should include a table that clearly lists the bracing style
>> we prefer:
>>> Namespace              same line
>>> Types                  same line
>>> Methods                new line
>>> Constructors           new line  (?)
>>> Properties             same line
>>> Anonymous Methods      same line (?)
>>> Anonymous Types        same line (?)
>>> Control Blocks         same line
>>> It would be interesting to have such a recapitulating table inside the
>> wiki.
>> However such table, if/when existing, should not be interpreted as "must
>> be changed at first opportunity" ;-)
> No, but at least we'd have something indisputable to redirect committers to for new sources.
> Can someone with write access add this to the wiki?




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