[Mono-dev] [PATCH] Add mixed-mode assembly support on Windows (now build with cygwin as well)

Kornél Pál kornelpal at gmail.com
Mon Apr 28 08:40:34 EDT 2008


> From: "Zoltan Varga"
> Other than that, I think the patch is ok to check in. One thing that
> is missing is
> tests. Since the patch changes so many places in the runtime, if there are 
> no
> automated tests, the functionality will probably get broken by changes
> since people
> have no way of noticing when they broke it.

Thank you very much for the approval. I attached a final version that I'm 
goint to check in if approved (with ChangeLog entries of course). This 
version should contain all you suggested modifications.

Note that I realized that images were loaded twice with my original patch so 
I made some modifications and I added two new functions: 
mono_get_module_file_name and mono_image_open_from_module_handle functions.

The other things are unchanged so I think the easiest way to see the 
differences is to compare this patch to the previous one.

Thank you very much for the help.

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