[Mono-dev] [PATCH] Add mixed-mode assembly support on Windows (now build with cygwin as well)

Kornél Pál kornelpal at gmail.com
Thu Apr 24 18:31:18 EDT 2008


I also modified Makefile to export __stdcall functions without mangling and
create-windef.pl to include MonoFixupCorEE. Other than these there are no


----- Original Message ----- 
From: Kornél Pál
To: mono-devel; Robert Jordan
Sent: Wednesday, April 23, 2008 2:40 PM
Subject: Re: [Mono-dev] [PATCH] Add mixed-mode assembly support on Windows
(now build with cygwin as well)

>> From: Robert Jordan
>>I think the following code is from another patch set (the cmd line
>>encoding issue you sent a patch for). Is it complete?
>> Index: mono/mono/mini/main.c
> Yes, it is. I included it in this patch to be consistent with _CorExeMain
> implementation. Also note that command line arguments are parsed as UTF-8
> supported on Windows, Unicode API should be used instead. Patching main
> will
> make Mono support non-ASCII command line arguments on Windows. Also note
> that because images are loaded using LoadLibrary file names are expected
> to
> be in UTF-8 that is supported by this main function patch.  I still would
> vote for removing MONO_EXTERNAL_ENCODINGS support on Windows but that is
> out
> of the scope of this patch.
>>If this is solved, I will try to fix the cygwin build.
> I managed to fix the build. #include <config.h> had to be moved out of
> #ifdef PLATFORM_WIN32 because PLATFORM_WIN32 is defined in config.h in the
> cygwin build.
> Please review the patch. Please try it on Linux as well to make sure that
> it
> doesn't break Linux. And if you like it, please approve the patch.
> Kornél
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