[Mono-dev] Mono on wine redux

Sharique uddin Ahmed Farooqui safknw at gmail.com
Fri Apr 11 16:22:23 EDT 2008

On Fri, Apr 11, 2008 at 7:19 PM, Dan Kegel <dank at kegel.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 11, 2008 at 6:37 AM, Dan Kegel <dank at kegel.com> wrote:
>  > On Fri, Apr 11, 2008 at 1:10 AM, Sharique uddin Ahmed Farooqui
>  >  <safknw at gmail.com> wrote:
>  >  >   I think we need to find a way to use installed mono (linux version)
>  >  >  to be used in wine .
>  >
> >  The tool 'winetricks', which is used by many Wine users,
>  >  has options to install mono 1.1 and mono 1.2
>  Apologies - I misread Sharique's post!  winetricks installs
>  the Windows version of mono on wine.
>  I think some desktops give you the choice of running .exe's with
>  either Wine or the Linux version of Mono already, which is
>  probably close enough for now.  If users need a better way to
>  invoke the Linux version of Mono, we'll make one.  I haven't
>  seen the need yet -- hopefully users will let us know.  They're
>  usually pretty good about complaining when we miss something obvious.
>  - Dan

Only required for applications that uses some windows native apis, for
example if somebody want to run Paint.net (windows version), because
monoPaint still very early stage.
I think can also help to reduce need for posting application mono from
MS.net.  So a lot of windows applications can run out of box without
any porting. And these apps can also be used on non x86 platform.

Sharique uddin Ahmed Farooqui
(C++/C# Developer, IT Consultant)

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