[Mono-dev] olive build

Atsushi Eno atsushi at ximian.com
Mon May 28 05:41:29 EDT 2007


The error you are facing sounds strange. Does it still happen if you
remove "gmcs" manually? Trying full clean build (make maintainer-
clean, ./autogen.sh, make and make install) would mostly clean
issues up.

For the build error at Mono.JScript.Compiler, it is just about
assembly signing issue (sn). I attached a fixed version of
AssemblyInfo.cs (and removed non-English comments there).

Atsushi Eno

olivier dufour wrote:
> Hi,
> OK, no issue.
> In fact, I have never play with makefile. So, I just copy past and fill 
> what I think which need o be change. It compile on VS2005 so I think it 
> is ok with make too.
> I have an issue with my GMCS because. I have uninstall an old mono and 
> install new one.
> And when I run make (with cygwin), it bug cause of it try to get old 
> MONO path (which is deleted).
> So, I think there is an issue with environment variable or something 
> like that.
> I hope I will have it working to see coding issue on make and repair it.
> If,someone can explain where is the call of gmcs in makefile because it 
> seems to call other makefile but I do not find where is gmcs call.
> bye,
> Olivier Dufour
> 2007/5/28, Atsushi Eno < atsushieno at gmail.com 
> <mailto:atsushieno at gmail.com>>:
>     Hi,
>     I've removed Mono.JScript.Compiler from the build (olive/class/Makefile)
>     since it does not build yet. Re-enable it when you got your assembly
>     built fine on mono, not Visual Studio.
>     BTW great challenge :-)
>     Atsushi Eno
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