[Mono-dev] [patch] Add DSA support to CryptConvert

Sebastien Pouliot sebastien.pouliot at gmail.com
Tue May 8 16:40:36 EDT 2007

Hello Randolph,

On Tue, 2007-05-08 at 07:00 +0800, Randolph Chung wrote:
> The attached patch adds support to convert DSA blobs in
> Mono.Security.CryptoConvert. Once this is in, minor and obvious changes
> to System.Security.Cryptography.DSACryptoServiceProvider can be made to
> implement the ImportCspBlob and ExportCspBlob() methods.

It looks great. There are only some minor coding style issue, maybe
editor related, that should be fixed before committing this into SVN.


> Comments appreciated :)

Thanks for supplying unit tests with your work!

> randolph
> plain text document attachment (mono-dsa.diff)
> 2007-05-07  Randolph Chung  <tausq at debian.org>
> 	* CryptoConvert.cs: Implement DSA blob conversion functions.
> Index: class/Mono.Security/Mono.Security.Cryptography/CryptoConvert.cs
> ===================================================================
> --- class/Mono.Security/Mono.Security.Cryptography/CryptoConvert.cs	(revision 76866)
> +++ class/Mono.Security/Mono.Security.Cryptography/CryptoConvert.cs	(working copy)
> @@ -183,6 +183,70 @@
>  			}
>  		}
> +		static public DSA FromCapiPrivateKeyBlobDSA(byte[] blob)

missing space before (

> +		{
> +			return FromCapiPrivateKeyBlobDSA(blob, 0);
> +		}
> +
> +		static public DSA FromCapiPrivateKeyBlobDSA(byte[] blob, int offset)
> +		{
> +			if (blob == null)
> +				throw new ArgumentNullException("blob");
> +			if (offset >= blob.Length)
> +				throw new ArgumentException("blob is too small.");
> +
> +			try
> +			{

{ on the same line as try

> +				if ((blob[offset] != 0x07) ||				// PRIVATEKEYBLOB (0x07)
> +				    (blob[offset + 1] != 0x02) ||				// Version (0x02)
> +				    (blob[offset + 2] != 0x00) ||				// Reserved (word)
> +				    (blob[offset + 3] != 0x00) ||
> +				    (ToUInt32LE(blob, offset + 8) != 0x32535344))	// DWORD magic
> +					throw new CryptographicException("Invalid blob header");
> +
> +				int bitlen = ToInt32LE(blob, offset + 12);
> +				DSAParameters dsap = new DSAParameters();
> +				int bytelen = bitlen >> 3;
> +				int pos = offset + 16;
> +
> +				dsap.P = new byte[bytelen];
> +				Buffer.BlockCopy(blob, pos, dsap.P, 0, bytelen);
> +				Array.Reverse(dsap.P);
> +				pos += bytelen;
> +
> +				dsap.Q = new byte[20];
> +				Buffer.BlockCopy(blob, pos, dsap.Q, 0, 20);
> +				Array.Reverse(dsap.Q);
> +				pos += 20;
> +
> +				dsap.G = new byte[bytelen];
> +				Buffer.BlockCopy(blob, pos, dsap.G, 0, bytelen);
> +				Array.Reverse(dsap.G);
> +				pos += bytelen;
> +
> +				dsap.X = new byte[20];
> +				Buffer.BlockCopy(blob, pos, dsap.X, 0, 20);
> +				Array.Reverse(dsap.X);
> +				pos += 20;
> +
> +				dsap.Counter = ToInt32LE(blob, pos);
> +				pos += 4;
> +
> +				dsap.Seed = new byte[20];
> +				Buffer.BlockCopy(blob, pos, dsap.Seed, 0, 20);
> +				Array.Reverse(dsap.Seed);
> +				pos += 20;
> +
> +				DSA dsa = (DSA)DSA.Create();
> +				dsa.ImportParameters(dsap);
> +				return dsa;
> +			}
> +			catch (Exception e)
> +			{

{ on the same line as catch

> +				throw new CryptographicException("Invalid blob.", e);
> +			}
> +		}
> +
>  		static public byte[] ToCapiPrivateKeyBlob (RSA rsa) 
>  		{
>  			RSAParameters p = rsa.ExportParameters (true);
> @@ -255,6 +319,60 @@
>  			return blob;
>  		}
> +		static public byte[] ToCapiPrivateKeyBlob(DSA dsa)
> +		{
> +			DSAParameters p = dsa.ExportParameters(true);
> +			int keyLength = p.P.Length; // in bytes
> +
> +			// header + P + Q + G + X + count + seed
> +			byte[] blob = new byte[16 + keyLength + 20 + keyLength + 20 + 4 + 20];
> +
> +			blob[0] = 0x07;	// Type - PRIVATEKEYBLOB (0x07)
> +			blob[1] = 0x02;	// Version - Always CUR_BLOB_VERSION (0x02)
> +			// [2], [3]		// RESERVED - Always 0
> +			blob[5] = 0x22;	// ALGID
> +			blob[8] = 0x44;	// Magic
> +			blob[9] = 0x53;
> +			blob[10] = 0x53;
> +			blob[11] = 0x32;
> +
> +			byte[] bitlen = GetBytesLE(keyLength << 3);
> +			blob[12] = bitlen[0];
> +			blob[13] = bitlen[1];
> +			blob[14] = bitlen[2];
> +			blob[15] = bitlen[3];
> +
> +			int pos = 16;
> +			byte[] part = p.P;
> +			Array.Reverse(part);
> +			Buffer.BlockCopy(part, 0, blob, pos, keyLength);
> +			pos += keyLength;
> +
> +			part = p.Q;
> +			Array.Reverse(part);
> +			Buffer.BlockCopy(part, 0, blob, pos, 20);
> +			pos += 20;
> +
> +			part = p.G;
> +			Array.Reverse(part);
> +			Buffer.BlockCopy(part, 0, blob, pos, keyLength);
> +			pos += keyLength;
> +
> +			part = p.X;
> +			Array.Reverse(part);
> +			Buffer.BlockCopy(part, 0, blob, pos, 20);
> +			pos += 20;
> +
> +			Buffer.BlockCopy(GetBytesLE(p.Counter), 0, blob, pos, 4);
> +			pos += 4;
> +
> +			part = p.Seed;
> +			Array.Reverse(part);
> +			Buffer.BlockCopy(part, 0, blob, pos, 20);
> +
> +			return blob;
> +		}
> +
>  		static public RSA FromCapiPublicKeyBlob (byte[] blob) 
>  		{
>  			return FromCapiPublicKeyBlob (blob, 0);
> @@ -316,6 +434,70 @@
>  			}
>  		}
> +		static public DSA FromCapiPublicKeyBlobDSA(byte[] blob)
> +		{
> +			return FromCapiPublicKeyBlobDSA(blob, 0);
> +		}
> +
> +		static public DSA FromCapiPublicKeyBlobDSA(byte[] blob, int offset)
> +		{
> +			if (blob == null)
> +				throw new ArgumentNullException("blob");
> +			if (offset >= blob.Length)
> +				throw new ArgumentException("blob is too small.");
> +
> +			try
> +			{
> +				if ((blob[offset] != 0x06) ||				// PUBLICKEYBLOB (0x06)
> +				    (blob[offset + 1] != 0x02) ||				// Version (0x02)
> +				    (blob[offset + 2] != 0x00) ||				// Reserved (word)
> +				    (blob[offset + 3] != 0x00) ||
> +				    (ToUInt32LE(blob, offset + 8) != 0x31535344))	// DWORD magic
> +					throw new CryptographicException("Invalid blob header");
> +
> +				int bitlen = ToInt32LE(blob, offset + 12);
> +				DSAParameters dsap = new DSAParameters();
> +				int bytelen = bitlen >> 3;
> +				int pos = offset + 16;
> +
> +				dsap.P = new byte[bytelen];
> +				Buffer.BlockCopy(blob, pos, dsap.P, 0, bytelen);
> +				Array.Reverse(dsap.P);
> +				pos += bytelen;
> +
> +				dsap.Q = new byte[20];
> +				Buffer.BlockCopy(blob, pos, dsap.Q, 0, 20);
> +				Array.Reverse(dsap.Q);
> +				pos += 20;
> +
> +				dsap.G = new byte[bytelen];
> +				Buffer.BlockCopy(blob, pos, dsap.G, 0, bytelen);
> +				Array.Reverse(dsap.G);
> +				pos += bytelen;
> +
> +				dsap.Y = new byte[bytelen];
> +				Buffer.BlockCopy(blob, pos, dsap.Y, 0, bytelen);
> +				Array.Reverse(dsap.Y);
> +				pos += bytelen;
> +
> +				dsap.Counter = ToInt32LE(blob, pos);
> +				pos += 4;
> +
> +				dsap.Seed = new byte[20];
> +				Buffer.BlockCopy(blob, pos, dsap.Seed, 0, 20);
> +				Array.Reverse(dsap.Seed);
> +				pos += 20;
> +
> +				DSA dsa = (DSA)DSA.Create();
> +				dsa.ImportParameters(dsap);
> +				return dsa;
> +			}
> +			catch (Exception e)
> +			{
> +				throw new CryptographicException("Invalid blob.", e);
> +			}
> +		}
> +
>  		static public byte[] ToCapiPublicKeyBlob (RSA rsa) 
>  		{
>  			RSAParameters p = rsa.ExportParameters (false);
> @@ -352,6 +534,62 @@
>  			return blob;
>  		}
> +		static public byte[] ToCapiPublicKeyBlob(DSA dsa)
> +		{
> +			DSAParameters p = dsa.ExportParameters(false);
> +			int keyLength = p.P.Length; // in bytes
> +
> +			// header + P + Q + G + Y + count + seed
> +			byte[] blob = new byte[16 + keyLength + 20 + keyLength + keyLength + 4 + 20];
> +
> +			blob[0] = 0x06;	// Type - PUBLICKEYBLOB (0x06)
> +			blob[1] = 0x02;	// Version - Always CUR_BLOB_VERSION (0x02)
> +			// [2], [3]		// RESERVED - Always 0
> +			blob[5] = 0x22;	// ALGID
> +			blob[8] = 0x44;	// Magic
> +			blob[9] = 0x53;
> +			blob[10] = 0x53;
> +			blob[11] = 0x31;
> +
> +			byte[] bitlen = GetBytesLE(keyLength << 3);
> +			blob[12] = bitlen[0];
> +			blob[13] = bitlen[1];
> +			blob[14] = bitlen[2];
> +			blob[15] = bitlen[3];
> +
> +			int pos = 16;
> +			byte[] part;
> +
> +			part = p.P;
> +			Array.Reverse(part);
> +			Buffer.BlockCopy(part, 0, blob, pos, keyLength);
> +			pos += keyLength;
> +
> +			part = p.Q;
> +			Array.Reverse(part);
> +			Buffer.BlockCopy(part, 0, blob, pos, 20);
> +			pos += 20;
> +
> +			part = p.G;
> +			Array.Reverse(part);
> +			Buffer.BlockCopy(part, 0, blob, pos, keyLength);
> +			pos += keyLength;
> +
> +			part = p.Y;
> +			Array.Reverse(part);
> +			Buffer.BlockCopy(part, 0, blob, pos, keyLength);
> +			pos += keyLength;
> +
> +			Buffer.BlockCopy(GetBytesLE(p.Counter), 0, blob, pos, 4);
> +			pos += 4;
> +
> +			part = p.Seed;
> +			Array.Reverse(part);
> +			Buffer.BlockCopy(part, 0, blob, pos, 20);
> +
> +			return blob;
> +		}
> +
>  		static public RSA FromCapiKeyBlob (byte[] blob) 
> @@ -382,6 +620,28 @@
>  			throw new CryptographicException ("Unknown blob format.");
>  		}
> +		static public DSA FromCapiKeyBlobDSA(byte[] blob)
> +		{
> +			return FromCapiKeyBlobDSA(blob, 0);
> +		}
> +
> +		static public DSA FromCapiKeyBlobDSA(byte[] blob, int offset)
> +		{
> +			if (blob == null)
> +				throw new ArgumentNullException("blob");
> +			if (offset >= blob.Length)
> +				throw new ArgumentException("blob is too small.");
> +
> +			switch (blob[offset])
> +			{

{ on the same line as switch

> +				case 0x06:

case at the same tab-level as switch

> +					return FromCapiPublicKeyBlobDSA(blob, offset);
> +				case 0x07:
> +					return FromCapiPrivateKeyBlobDSA(blob, offset);
> +			}
> +			throw new CryptographicException("Unknown blob format.");
> +		}
> +
>  		static public byte[] ToCapiKeyBlob (AsymmetricAlgorithm keypair, bool includePrivateKey) 
>  		{
>  			if (keypair == null)
> @@ -390,6 +650,8 @@
>  			// check between RSA and DSA (and potentially others like DH)
>  			if (keypair is RSA)
>  				return ToCapiKeyBlob ((RSA)keypair, includePrivateKey);
> +			else if (keypair is DSA)
> +				return ToCapiKeyBlob((DSA)keypair, includePrivateKey);
>  			else
>  				return null;	// TODO
>  		}
> @@ -405,6 +667,17 @@
>  				return ToCapiPublicKeyBlob (rsa);
>  		}
> +		static public byte[] ToCapiKeyBlob(DSA dsa, bool includePrivateKey)
> +		{
> +			if (dsa == null)
> +				throw new ArgumentNullException("dsa");
> +
> +			if (includePrivateKey)
> +				return ToCapiPrivateKeyBlob(dsa);
> +			else
> +				return ToCapiPublicKeyBlob(dsa);
> +		}
> +
>  		static public string ToHex (byte[] input) 
>  		{
>  			if (input == null)
> 2007-05-07  Randolph Chung  <tausq at debian.org>
> 	* CryptoConvertTest.cs: Implement DSA blob conversion tests.
> Index: class/Mono.Security/Test/Mono.Security.Cryptography/CryptoConvertTest.cs
> ===================================================================
> --- class/Mono.Security/Test/Mono.Security.Cryptography/CryptoConvertTest.cs	(revision 76712)
> +++ class/Mono.Security/Test/Mono.Security.Cryptography/CryptoConvertTest.cs	(working copy)
> @@ -264,10 +264,10 @@
>  			byte[] publicKey = CryptoConvert.ToCapiKeyBlob (rsa, false);
>  			AssertEquals ("RSA-PublicKey", BitConverter.ToString (strongNamePublicKey, 12), BitConverter.ToString (publicKey));
> -			// TODO dsa (not implemented yet)
>  			AsymmetricAlgorithm dsa = DSA.Create ();
> -			AssertNull ("DSA-KeyPair", CryptoConvert.ToCapiKeyBlob (dsa, true));
> -			AssertNull ("DSA-PublicKey", CryptoConvert.ToCapiKeyBlob (dsa, false));
> +			dsa.FromXmlString(dsaKeyPairString);
> +			AssertEquals("DSA-KeyPair", dsaPrivBlob, CryptoConvert.ToCapiKeyBlob(dsa, true));
> +			AssertEquals("DSA-PublicKey", BitConverter.ToString(dsaPubBlob), BitConverter.ToString(CryptoConvert.ToCapiKeyBlob(dsa, false)));
>  		}
>  		[Test]
> @@ -330,7 +330,233 @@
>  			AssertEquals ("PublicKey-2", BitConverter.ToString (strongNamePublicKey, 12), BitConverter.ToString (publicKey));
>  		}
> +		/* DSA key tests */
> +		static byte[] dsaPrivBlob = { 7, 2, 0, 0, 0, 34, 0, 0, 68, 83,
> +			83, 50, 0, 4, 0, 0, 69, 144, 99, 249,
> +			41, 174, 97, 185, 66, 236, 179, 197, 182, 101,
> +			146, 165, 47, 36, 234, 199, 170, 99, 97, 8,
> +			224, 141, 189, 97, 86, 96, 240, 53, 69, 135,
> +			123, 169, 165, 64, 50, 51, 144, 131, 158, 151,
> +			218, 224, 159, 194, 166, 107, 132, 201, 148, 74,
> +			38, 62, 231, 221, 157, 216, 239, 66, 248, 68,
> +			26, 23, 123, 253, 157, 123, 65, 199, 109, 138,
> +			231, 217, 247, 170, 81, 51, 43, 252, 66, 210,
> +			75, 127, 68, 147, 141, 213, 174, 251, 109, 152,
> +			244, 113, 14, 194, 198, 222, 69, 157, 146, 154,
> +			224, 158, 46, 181, 204, 251, 10, 124, 153, 26,
> +			239, 105, 199, 53, 43, 51, 255, 118, 213, 58,
> +			111, 212, 166, 235, 29, 143, 53, 193, 210, 7,
> +			78, 198, 7, 3, 219, 0, 57, 81, 179, 46,
> +			58, 180, 61, 222, 145, 109, 165, 23, 119, 162,
> +			91, 55, 48, 230, 133, 54, 103, 58, 139, 99,
> +			146, 149, 90, 197, 167, 60, 164, 35, 90, 168,
> +			150, 138, 107, 17, 219, 191, 163, 4, 98, 13,
> +			109, 98, 122, 178, 247, 46, 73, 124, 53, 228,
> +			137, 21, 20, 45, 214, 217, 202, 51, 87, 45,
> +			78, 190, 19, 209, 249, 13, 31, 88, 52, 108,
> +			196, 110, 54, 19, 252, 189, 80, 216, 191, 222,
> +			192, 10, 112, 231, 67, 104, 154, 205, 1, 172,
> +			194, 226, 187, 60, 252, 104, 176, 27, 87, 244,
> +			217, 166, 140, 245, 97, 187, 64, 188, 103, 129,
> +			194, 56, 206, 61, 169, 66, 171, 49, 234, 206,
> +			29, 141, 249, 110, 171, 127, 135, 23, 20, 58,
> +			156, 16, 252, 185, 148, 20, 202, 87, 124, 160,
> +			65, 169, 243, 32, 164, 19, 59, 58, 188, 109,
> +			43, 1, 150, 0, 0, 0, 203, 217, 189, 181,
> +			208, 230, 19, 165, 199, 206, 44, 204, 209, 156,
> +			80, 26, 199, 66, 198, 13 };
> +
> +		static byte[] dsaPubBlob = { 6, 2, 0, 0, 0, 34, 0, 0, 68, 83,
> +			83, 49, 0, 4, 0, 0, 69, 144, 99, 249,
> +			41, 174, 97, 185, 66, 236, 179, 197, 182, 101,
> +			146, 165, 47, 36, 234, 199, 170, 99, 97, 8,
> +			224, 141, 189, 97, 86, 96, 240, 53, 69, 135,
> +			123, 169, 165, 64, 50, 51, 144, 131, 158, 151,
> +			218, 224, 159, 194, 166, 107, 132, 201, 148, 74,
> +			38, 62, 231, 221, 157, 216, 239, 66, 248, 68,
> +			26, 23, 123, 253, 157, 123, 65, 199, 109, 138,
> +			231, 217, 247, 170, 81, 51, 43, 252, 66, 210,
> +			75, 127, 68, 147, 141, 213, 174, 251, 109, 152,
> +			244, 113, 14, 194, 198, 222, 69, 157, 146, 154,
> +			224, 158, 46, 181, 204, 251, 10, 124, 153, 26,
> +			239, 105, 199, 53, 43, 51, 255, 118, 213, 58,
> +			111, 212, 166, 235, 29, 143, 53, 193, 210, 7,
> +			78, 198, 7, 3, 219, 0, 57, 81, 179, 46,
> +			58, 180, 61, 222, 145, 109, 165, 23, 119, 162,
> +			91, 55, 48, 230, 133, 54, 103, 58, 139, 99,
> +			146, 149, 90, 197, 167, 60, 164, 35, 90, 168,
> +			150, 138, 107, 17, 219, 191, 163, 4, 98, 13,
> +			109, 98, 122, 178, 247, 46, 73, 124, 53, 228,
> +			137, 21, 20, 45, 214, 217, 202, 51, 87, 45,
> +			78, 190, 19, 209, 249, 13, 31, 88, 52, 108,
> +			196, 110, 54, 19, 252, 189, 80, 216, 191, 222,
> +			192, 10, 112, 231, 67, 104, 154, 205, 1, 172,
> +			194, 226, 187, 60, 252, 104, 176, 27, 87, 244,
> +			217, 166, 140, 245, 97, 187, 64, 188, 103, 129,
> +			194, 56, 206, 61, 169, 66, 171, 49, 234, 206,
> +			29, 141, 249, 110, 171, 127, 135, 23, 20, 58,
> +			156, 16, 185, 163, 1, 154, 216, 44, 43, 101,
> +			67, 65, 35, 30, 70, 97, 44, 194, 46, 9,
> +			182, 125, 162, 93, 231, 223, 50, 55, 14, 218,
> +			93, 6, 176, 10, 195, 91, 83, 98, 73, 65,
> +			88, 250, 7, 120, 0, 155, 35, 138, 54, 37,
> +			80, 125, 44, 51, 25, 29, 198, 18, 107, 84,
> +			60, 27, 227, 218, 32, 74, 62, 76, 222, 6,
> +			76, 129, 254, 197, 53, 189, 4, 243, 203, 94,
> +			73, 190, 102, 196, 88, 170, 17, 199, 119, 180,
> +			205, 151, 184, 12, 168, 236, 81, 117, 49, 223,
> +			204, 69, 50, 246, 230, 124, 57, 208, 75, 5,
> +			178, 58, 7, 193, 224, 103, 60, 233, 2, 242,
> +			82, 53, 252, 157, 202, 146, 231, 255, 250, 38,
> +			150, 0, 0, 0, 203, 217, 189, 181, 208, 230,
> +			19, 165, 199, 206, 44, 204, 209, 156, 80, 26,
> +			199, 66, 198, 13 };
> +
> +		static string dsaKeyPairString = "<DSAKeyValue><P>66bUbzrVdv8zKzXHae8amXwK+8y1Lp7gmpKdRd7Gwg5x9Jht+67VjZNEf0vSQvwrM1Gq99nnim3HQXud/XsXGkT4Qu/Ynd3nPiZKlMmEa6bCn+Dal56DkDMyQKWpe4dFNfBgVmG9jeAIYWOqx+okL6WSZbbFs+xCuWGuKfljkEU=</P><Q>3j20Oi6zUTkA2wMHxk4H0sE1jx0=</Q><G>EJw6FBeHf6tu+Y0dzuoxq0KpPc44woFnvEC7YfWMptn0VxuwaPw8u+LCrAHNmmhD53AKwN6/2FC9/BM2bsRsNFgfDfnRE75OLVczytnWLRQVieQ1fEku97J6Ym0NYgSjv9sRa4qWqFojpDynxVqVkmOLOmc2heYwN1uidxelbZE=</G><Y>Jvr/55LKnfw1UvIC6Txn4MEHOrIFS9A5fOb2MkXM3zF1UeyoDLiXzbR3xxGqWMRmvkley/MEvTXF/oFMBt5MPkog2uMbPFRrEsYdGTMsfVAlNoojmwB4B/pYQUliU1vDCrAGXdoONzLf512ifbYJLsIsYUYeI0FDZSss2JoBo7k=</Y><Seed>DcZCxxpQnNHMLM7HpRPm0LW92cs=</Seed><PgenCounter>lg==</PgenCounter><X>ASttvDo7E6Qg86lBoHxXyhSUufw=</X></DSAKeyValue>";
> +		static string dsaPubKeyString =  "<DSAKeyValue><P>66bUbzrVdv8zKzXHae8amXwK+8y1Lp7gmpKdRd7Gwg5x9Jht+67VjZNEf0vSQvwrM1Gq99nnim3HQXud/XsXGkT4Qu/Ynd3nPiZKlMmEa6bCn+Dal56DkDMyQKWpe4dFNfBgVmG9jeAIYWOqx+okL6WSZbbFs+xCuWGuKfljkEU=</P><Q>3j20Oi6zUTkA2wMHxk4H0sE1jx0=</Q><G>EJw6FBeHf6tu+Y0dzuoxq0KpPc44woFnvEC7YfWMptn0VxuwaPw8u+LCrAHNmmhD53AKwN6/2FC9/BM2bsRsNFgfDfnRE75OLVczytnWLRQVieQ1fEku97J6Ym0NYgSjv9sRa4qWqFojpDynxVqVkmOLOmc2heYwN1uidxelbZE=</G><Y>Jvr/55LKnfw1UvIC6Txn4MEHOrIFS9A5fOb2MkXM3zF1UeyoDLiXzbR3xxGqWMRmvkley/MEvTXF/oFMBt5MPkog2uMbPFRrEsYdGTMsfVAlNoojmwB4B/pYQUliU1vDCrAGXdoONzLf512ifbYJLsIsYUYeI0FDZSss2JoBo7k=</Y><Seed>DcZCxxpQnNHMLM7HpRPm0LW92cs=</Seed><PgenCounter>lg==</PgenCounter></DSAKeyValue>";
> +
>  		[Test]
> +		public void FromCapiKeyBlobDSA()
> +		{
> +			DSA dsa = CryptoConvert.FromCapiKeyBlobDSA(dsaPrivBlob);
> +			AssertEquals("KeyPair", dsaKeyPairString, dsa.ToXmlString(true));
> +			AssertEquals("PublicKey", dsaPubKeyString, dsa.ToXmlString(false));
> +		}
> +
> +		[Test]
> +		[ExpectedException(typeof(ArgumentNullException))]
> +		public void FromCapiKeyBlobDSA_Null()
> +		{
> +			DSA dsa = CryptoConvert.FromCapiKeyBlobDSA(null);
> +		}
> +
> +		[Test]
> +		[ExpectedException(typeof(ArgumentException))]
> +		public void FromCapiKeyBlobDSA_InvalidOffset()
> +		{
> +			DSA dsa = CryptoConvert.FromCapiKeyBlobDSA(new byte[0], 0);
> +		}
> +
> +		[Test]
> +		[ExpectedException(typeof(CryptographicException))]
> +		public void FromCapiKeyBlobDSA_UnknownBlob()
> +		{
> +			byte[] blob = new byte[334];
> +			DSA dsa = CryptoConvert.FromCapiKeyBlobDSA(blob, 0);
> +		}
> +
> +		[Test]
> +		public void FromCapiPrivateKeyBlobDSA()
> +		{
> +			DSA dsa = CryptoConvert.FromCapiPrivateKeyBlobDSA(dsaPrivBlob, 0);
> +			AssertEquals("KeyPair", dsaKeyPairString, dsa.ToXmlString(true));
> +		}
> +
> +		[Test]
> +		[ExpectedException(typeof(ArgumentNullException))]
> +		public void FromCapiPrivateKeyBlobDSA_Null()
> +		{
> +			DSA dsa = CryptoConvert.FromCapiPrivateKeyBlobDSA(null);
> +		}
> +
> +		[Test]
> +		[ExpectedException(typeof(ArgumentException))]
> +		public void FromCapiPrivateKeyBlobDSA_InvalidOffset()
> +		{
> +			DSA dsa = CryptoConvert.FromCapiPrivateKeyBlobDSA(new byte[0], 0);
> +		}
> +
> +		[Test]
> +		[ExpectedException(typeof(CryptographicException))]
> +		public void FromCapiPrivateKeyBlobDSA_Invalid()
> +		{
> +			byte[] blob = new byte[334];
> +			DSA dsa = CryptoConvert.FromCapiPrivateKeyBlobDSA(blob, 0);
> +		}
> +
> +		[Test]
> +		public void FromCapiPublicKeyBlobDSA()
> +		{
> +			DSA dsa = CryptoConvert.FromCapiPublicKeyBlobDSA(dsaPubBlob, 0);
> +			AssertEquals("PublicKey", dsaPubKeyString, dsa.ToXmlString(false));
> +		}
> +
> +		[Test]
> +		[ExpectedException(typeof(ArgumentNullException))]
> +		public void FromCapiPublicKeyBlobDSA_Null()
> +		{
> +			DSA dsa = CryptoConvert.FromCapiPublicKeyBlobDSA(null);
> +		}
> +
> +		[Test]
> +		[ExpectedException(typeof(ArgumentException))]
> +		public void FromCapiPublicKeyBlobDSA_InvalidOffset()
> +		{
> +			DSA dsa = CryptoConvert.FromCapiPublicKeyBlobDSA(new byte[0], 0);
> +		}
> +
> +		[Test]
> +		[ExpectedException(typeof(CryptographicException))]
> +		public void FromCapiPublicKeyBlobDSA_Invalid()
> +		{
> +			byte[] blob = new byte[400];
> +			DSA dsa = CryptoConvert.FromCapiPublicKeyBlobDSA(blob, 0);
> +		}
> +
> +		[Test]
> +		public void ToCapiKeyBlob_DSA()
> +		{
> +			DSA dsa = DSA.Create();
> +			dsa.FromXmlString(dsaKeyPairString);
> +			byte[] keypair = CryptoConvert.ToCapiKeyBlob(dsa, true);
> +			AssertEquals("KeyPair", dsaPrivBlob, keypair);
> +
> +			byte[] pubkey = CryptoConvert.ToCapiKeyBlob(dsa, false);
> +			AssertEquals("PublicKey", BitConverter.ToString(dsaPubBlob), BitConverter.ToString(pubkey));
> +		}
> +
> +		[Test]
> +		[ExpectedException(typeof(ArgumentNullException))]
> +		public void ToCapiKeyBlob_DSANull()
> +		{
> +			DSA dsa = null;
> +			CryptoConvert.ToCapiKeyBlob(dsa, false);
> +		}
> +
> +		[Test]
> +		public void ToCapiPrivateKeyBlob_DSA()
> +		{
> +			DSA dsa = DSA.Create();
> +			dsa.FromXmlString(dsaKeyPairString);
> +			byte[] keypair = CryptoConvert.ToCapiPrivateKeyBlob(dsa);
> +			AssertEquals("KeyPair", dsaPrivBlob, keypair);
> +		}
> +
> +		[Test]
> +		[ExpectedException(typeof(CryptographicException))]
> +		public void ToCapiPrivateKeyBlob_PublicKeyOnly_DSA()
> +		{
> +			DSA dsa = DSA.Create();
> +			dsa.FromXmlString(dsaPubKeyString);
> +			byte[] pubkey = CryptoConvert.ToCapiPrivateKeyBlob(dsa);
> +		}
> +
> +		[Test]
> +		public void ToCapiPublicKeyBlob_DSA()
> +		{
> +			DSA dsa = DSA.Create();
> +			// full keypair
> +			dsa.FromXmlString(dsaKeyPairString);
> +			byte[] pubkey = CryptoConvert.ToCapiPublicKeyBlob(dsa);
> +			AssertEquals("PublicKey-1", BitConverter.ToString(dsaPubBlob), BitConverter.ToString(pubkey));
> +
> +			// public key only
> +			dsa.FromXmlString(dsaPubKeyString);
> +			pubkey = CryptoConvert.ToCapiPublicKeyBlob(dsa);
> +			AssertEquals("PublicKey-2", BitConverter.ToString(dsaPubBlob), BitConverter.ToString(pubkey));
> +		}
> +
> +		[Test]
>  		public void FromHex () 
>  		{
>  			AssertNull ("FromHex(null)", CryptoConvert.FromHex (null));
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Sebastien Pouliot  <sebastien at ximian.com>
Blog: http://pages.infinit.net/ctech/

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