[Mono-dev] problems config #develop

Kristian Damian dcastrok at homex.com.mx
Tue Mar 27 17:30:28 EDT 2007

sorry but i'm a newby in mono and i have problems to compiling programs with #Develop, already add the variables GTK_BASEPATH, MONO_PATH, MONO_CFG_DIR and MONO_EXTERNAL_ENCODINGS with value 'default_local', but still appears the message 

Generación iniciada.

C:\Archivos de programa\SharpDevelop\2.1\bin\SharpDevelop.Build.Mono.Gmcs.targets(82,9) : Error MSB6006: "Gmcs.exe" exited with code -1.

Generación finalizada correctamente.

"Gmcs.exe" exited with code -1. (MSB6006) - C:\Archivos de programa\SharpDevelop\2.1\bin\SharpDevelop.Build.Mono.Gmcs.targets:82,9

i hope you can help me


pd. sorry but i don speke (or write) english very well

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