[Mono-dev] Patch for IPAddress.cs

Gareth Pearce tilps.kilm at gmail.com
Sat Mar 24 21:13:35 EDT 2007

Alan McGovern wrote:
> I've attached my benchmarking code. Here are my benchmark results:
> Method1 is the original method
> Method2 is the original method changed to use | as opposed to +
> Method3 is the new method
I guess I wasn't clear on what I meant - Method 2 was supposed to be new 
method with | instead of +.
In the results I see | appears faster than + - so the new method with | 
may be faster again. (then again it might not - I don't have mono 
available to check).


> I ran the entire benchmark 15 times to give some accurate results.
> mcs - 15 iterations
> Method 1: 17641 ms
> Method 2: 15810 ms
> Method 3: 10750 ms
> gmcs - 15 iteations
> Method 1: 17608 ms
> Method 2: 15782 ms
> Method 3: 10578 ms
> csc - 15 iterations
> Method 1: 12999 ms
> Method 2: 12157 ms
> Method 3: 13109 ms
> As you can see, csc creates faster code for method 1 and method 2 as 
> compared to mcs and gmcs. The difference between mcs and gmcs is 
> negligible. However (g)mcs creates faster code for method 3 than csc 
> does.
> However, as a comparison, the MS.NET <http://MS.NET> implementation 
> completes 15 loops of the benchmark in a mere 6718ms ;)
> Alan.
> On 3/24/07, * Gareth Pearce* <tilps.kilm at gmail.com 
> <mailto:tilps.kilm at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     Just wondering, did you compare combing the  byte parts with | instead
>     of + to see if there was any performance difference?
>     --Gareth

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