[Mono-dev] Thread.Interrupt
Mads Bondo Dydensborg
mbd at dbc.dk
Mon Jul 9 08:54:37 EDT 2007
Hi there
When I send a thread an interrupt, I seem to not get an
ThreadInterruptException, but rather a
System.Threading.SynchronizationLockException: Object is not synchronized
at System.Threading.Monitor.Wait (System.Object obj, Int32
millisecondsTimeout) [0x0004d]
in /home/compile/Compile/Mono/mcs/class/corlib/System.Threading/Monitor.cs:209
at DBC.Publishing.Frontend.BackendHandler.Run () [0x00066]
in /home/madsdyd/xintegra/trunk/Applications/DBC.Publishing.Frontend/BackendHandler.cs:131 :
[Void Run()]
Is this to be expected?
Med venlig hilsen/Regards
Systemudvikler/Systemsdeveloper cand.scient.dat, Ph.d., Mads Bondo Dydensborg
Dansk BiblioteksCenter A/S, Tempovej 7-11, 2750 Ballerup, Tlf. +45 44 86 77 34
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