[Mono-dev] Problems with DOM serialization to XHTML

Federico Di Gregorio fog at initd.org
Thu Feb 22 06:02:14 EST 2007

Il giorno gio, 22/02/2007 alle 03.25 +0900, Atsushi Eno ha scritto:
> You might want to use this special XmlWriter:
> http://svn.myrealbox.com/source/trunk/mono/web/web/XhtmlWriter.cs
> disclaimer: it is almost a hack without lots of verification, so
> there could be things that need fixes. By overriding XmlWriter like
> this, it is relatively easy to customize outputs. 

Thank you very much for the answer, in fact what you propose is the
fastest way to output compliant xhtml.

Previously I did some experimentation with Xslt and
XmlWriterSettings.OutputMode obtaining various degree of failures. Out
of curiosity, can you confirm that XmlWriterSettings.OutputMode is set
to Html only when using and XSLT with output-mode set to "html" and that
outputs invalid XML, i.e., plain HTML and not XHTML?

Many thanks,

Federico Di Gregorio                         http://people.initd.org/fog
Debian GNU/Linux Developer                                fog at debian.org
INIT.D Developer                                           fog at initd.org
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           Windows 95 needs at least 8 MB RAM.       -- Bill Gates, 1996
           Nobody will ever need Windows 95.       -- logical conclusion
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