[Mono-dev] Mono.Security on Compat Framework

Neil Cowburn neilc at opennetcf.com
Mon Feb 5 12:26:15 EST 2007

The company I work for, OpenNETCF, already did a port of the
System.Security.Cryptography namespace for .NET Compact Framework v1.0.
CF v2.0 has a fairly comprehensive implementation OTB, so we removed it
from our product, but you can still get the source for the CF v1.0
implementation from our site. We needed S.S.C for our WSE

Go to smartdeviceframework.com and the version you are looking for is
Smart Device Framework 1.4. 


-----Original Message-----
From: mono-devel-list-bounces at lists.ximian.com
[mailto:mono-devel-list-bounces at lists.ximian.com] On Behalf Of Matthijs
ter Woord
Sent: 05 February 2007 16:23
To: mono-devel-list at lists.ximian.com
Subject: Re: [Mono-dev] Mono.Security on Compat Framework

Hi Sebastien,

I think my changes consist of the following:

1. A "compatibility layer". This contains a rough copy of some
namespaces from mono (S.IO, S.Security.Cryptography, S.ComponentModel,
S.Diagnostics, S.Net, S.Runtime.ConstrainedExecution, S.Security,
2. The addition of a utility class which lets one launch a method
asynchronously (ie, different thread), and the usage of this method
wherever neccessary.

Let me know if you're interested...


Matthijs ter Woord

Sebastien Pouliot wrote:
> Hello Matthijs,
> On Mon, 2007-02-05 at 17:04 +0100, Matthijs ter Woord wrote:
>> Hi,
>> For some private project, we've been trying to get Mono.Security
>> running on the Compact .NET Framework.
>> After we spend some ours of debugging, the major problem with it was
>> that CF.NET seems to be lacking decent async method invocation
>> support. Once we fixed that, the only thing we needed to do was copy
>> some other parts of mono (mostly System.Security.Cryptography
>> into the assembly.
>> After this journey, I'd like to see whether there's any interest of
>> getting these changes back to the Mono repository.
> It would be easier to answer if the patch was attached ;-)
> My guess is that some would be better inside Mono.Security and some
> outside(*)...
>> This should probably be in a different project, which contains all
>> kinds of compatibility classes, to emulate the normal .NET framework,
>> but this seems quite doable to me.
> That would be a useful project, i.e. having an assembly for CF to
> upgrade it's ability (up to running Mono.Security or other stuff).
> (*)We could look at hosting (parts of) your changes into Crimson too.
>> I hope to gain some comments on this...
>> Regards,
>> Matthijs ter Woord
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