[Mono-dev] Regression in WebProxy.
Atsushi Eno
atsushi at ximian.com
Thu Feb 1 01:57:40 EST 2007
Oh, thanks. Good to know that it is not related to Dick's huge
sys.net updates :-)
Atsushi Eno
Miguel de Icaza wrote:
> Hello,
> Atsushi, thanks for creating a simpler test case.
> This was actually a good test case for Martin's debugger. The
> problem was introduced by Gert in revision 71806
> He seems to have removed an important condition on `IsBypassed':
> @@ -145,8 +163,10 @@
> public bool IsBypassed (Uri host)
> {
> - if (address == null)
> - return true;
> +#if NET_2_0
> + if (host == null)
> + throw new ArgumentNullException
> ("host");
> +#endif
> if (bypassOnLocal && host.IsLoopback)
> return true;
> I have removed that part of his patch.
>> Hello,
>> So, this is not WebService issue. Here is a repro for this NRE:
>> using System;
>> using System.IO;
>> using System.Net;
>> public class Test
>> {
>> public static void Main ()
>> {
>> WebRequest wr = WebRequest.Create
>> (""); // mono-project.com
>> wr.GetResponse ();
>> }
>> }
>> Dick: any ideas?
>> Atsushi Eno
>> Hubert FONGARNAND wrote:
>>> Here's my IRC discussion with robert jordan, i hope it could help
>>> <hubert> the problem is...
>>> <hubert> Default service=new Default();
>>> <hubert> service.Url="";
>>> <hubert> service.Method();
>>> <hubert> this failed !!!!
>>> <hubert> and
>>> <hubert> Default service=new Default();
>>> <hubert> service.Url="http://localhost:8080/Default.asmx";
>>> <hubert> service.Method();
>>> <hubert> this works
>>> <robertj> you mean it works on localhost only?
>>> <hubert> no...
>>> <hubert> it works if I use the name...
>>> <robertj> ah
>>> <hubert> service.Url="http://myhostname:8080/Default.asmx";
>>> <robertj> ok. this is a new change. let me find the commit...
>>> <hubert> but this fail :
>>> service.Url="http://myhostname.fidudev.fr:8080/Default.asmx";
>>> <hubert> the error is here : http://monoport.com/1622
>>> <robertj>
>>> http://lists.ximian.com/pipermail/mono-patches/2007-January/086550.html
>>> I will do a bugreport... but i've not many free time...
>>> Le jeudi 01 février 2007 à 01:39 +0900, Atsushi Eno a écrit :
>>>> Hey,
>>>> It still does not tell much. Any reason he cannot file a bug report with
>>>> something we can actually run? With the stack trace which starts with
>>>> System.Net I'm not sure whether it is related to web service changes or not.
>>>> Atsushi Eno
>>>> Miguel de Icaza wrote:
>>>>> Hey,
>>>>>> This patch from Kosta is not applied yet. What is the details? There is
>>>>>> nothing we can do without any information.
>>>>> Ok, so it was not this.
>>>>> Hubert reported this:
>>>>> http://monoport.com/1622
>>>>> Miguel.
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