[Mono-dev] [PATCH] System.Configuration.Provider.ProviderBase.cs

Gert Driesen gert.driesen at telenet.be
Fri Aug 31 10:41:17 EDT 2007

Hi John,
This is now "fixed" in SVN (with matching unit tests).


From: mono-devel-list-bounces at lists.ximian.com
[mailto:mono-devel-list-bounces at lists.ximian.com] On Behalf Of John Anderson
Sent: vrijdag 31 augustus 2007 10:19
To: Atsushi Eno
Cc: mono-devel
Subject: Re: [Mono-dev] [PATCH]

On 8/31/07, Atsushi Eno <atsushi at ximian.com> wrote: 

Your code does not verify that your change must be correct. It
just shows the fact that it *affects* on our ASP.NET behavior
(Or is that a general way for .NET developers to identify the 
source of bugs?).  What I expected was rather like below:

using System;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.Configuration.Provider;

public class MyProvider : ProviderBase
     public static void Main () 
         NameValueCollection config = new NameValueCollection ();
         config ["name"] = "Name";
         config ["description"] = "DESC";
         config ["foo"] = "FOO"; 
         Console.WriteLine (config ["description"]);
         MyProvider p = new MyProvider ();
         p.Initialize ("Foo", config);
         Console.WriteLine (config ["name"]); 
         Console.WriteLine (config ["description"]);
         Console.WriteLine (config ["foo"]);
         Console.WriteLine ("{0} {1}", p.Name, p.Description);

Yes, you were right, this test shows how funny behavior .net does.

Sorry about my test, Yours is much better.  But as you can see with your
test, on MS.NET
it removes the description config.  This is a pretty well known behavior of
the provider, I've seen 
many code examples of custom providers where they check config after running
base initialize to check
if any unknown attributes were defined in the config. 


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