[Mono-dev] Embedding mono on windows: the missing (lib)mono.lib

Sebastian Good sebastian at palladiumconsulting.com
Tue Aug 21 02:01:36 EDT 2007

I am attempting to embed a mono runtime in my C++ application. I'm using 
the standard 1.4.2 mono install (on WinXP) & Visual Studio 2005. I've 
generated the expected C++ compiler flags using

    pkg-config --msvc-syntax --cflags --libs mono

And while my simple hello-world embedding application now compiles 
nicely, it fails to link with

    LNK1104: cannot open file 'mono.lib'

I can confirm my install has no 'mono.lib', or even 'libmono.lib'. A 
search of this list and other sites suggests this is not all that 
uncommon. People seem to be trying to build mono using Cygwin in order 
to recreate the missing mono.lib (and sometimes running into other 
problems doing that). Am I being a knucklehead or is the standard mono 
Windows install missing this library? Is there an alternative to 
building mono myself? Should I be more interested in the '*.a' files 
sitting in my /lib directory?

Many thanks for any help

- Sebastian Good
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