[Mono-dev] [PROPOSAL] gendarme - support for displaying the source code of violations

Jb Evain mono at evain.net
Wed Sep 27 13:50:02 EDT 2006

Hi Christian,

Thanks for working on this, this is actually something that Sébastien 
and I wanted to achieve for Gendarme.

 From my point of view, I'll let Sébastien comment on the Gendarme side, 
you've worked too much :)

About 1 and 3 (and maybe 2, but I can't find 2 ;)), if you have a module 
definition mod:

mod.LoadSymbols ();

And Cecil will load the factory depending on which runtime you're using, 
  and get the appropriate reader. Be sure to call this before accessing 
any method. When a methody body will be read, it will automatically ask 
the symbol reader.

Christian Birkl wrote:
> BTW - It seems like "Mono.Cecil.Pdb" and "Mono.Cecil.Mdb" aren't part of 
> the
> "official" Mono.Cecil package - at least they aren't download able from the
> cecil homepage. Are they intended to be used by other applications yet?

They are a week old, but they will be part of Mono.Cecil 0.5.


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