[Mono-dev] [PATCH] System.Web.Compilation.TemplateControlCompiler: Data-Binding Syntax: fixed Bind functions

Igor Zalmanovich igorz at mainsoft.com
Wed Sep 27 10:10:28 EDT 2006

This is the patch to fix Bind functions (Data-Binding Syntax).

At run time, the Bind method calls the Eval method, if there is DataItem
!= null  to bind to.
If there is DataItem == null (like InsertItemTemplate in FormView) Bind
method don't raise exception and works properly to extract data from
bounded controls on postback.

See code generated by dotnet:

        public void @__DataBinding__control22(object sender,
System.EventArgs e) {
            System.Web.UI.WebControls.FormView Container;
            dataBindingExpressionBuilderTarget =
            Container =
            if ((this.Page.GetDataItem() != null)) {
                #line 62 "C:\www\Menu\FormView.aspx"
                dataBindingExpressionBuilderTarget.Checked =
                #line default
                #line hidden

Please review.


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