[Mono-dev] Message Box running NUnit tests under Mono 1.1.17

Charlie Poole charlie at nunit.com
Sun Sep 10 18:50:26 EDT 2006

Hi Jonathan,
The attached program demonstrates it. Compile with a ref to SWF. Execute
with two args,
the number of domains to create and the number of calls to make into eah
one. As you 
would expect, the number of calls is irrelevant. The message box appears
once for each 
domain except the first one.



From: mono-devel-list-bounces at lists.ximian.com
[mailto:mono-devel-list-bounces at lists.ximian.com] On Behalf Of Jon Chambers
Sent: Sunday, September 10, 2006 9:25 AM
To: Charlie Poole
Cc: mono-devel-list at lists.ximian.com
Subject: Re: [Mono-dev] Message Box running NUnit tests under Mono 1.1.17

     I think I have this fixed, can you tell me exactly what I need to do
(either through a reply or a bug report) to reproduce your issue an I'll


On 9/10/06, Jon Chambers <joncham at gmail.com> wrote: 

     I think I understand the problem. The XplatUIWin32 registers a window
class shared by all the SWF windows. RegisterClass can only be called once
for a specific window name per process. XplatUI is a singleton, but that's
per app domain. I'm guessing you're loading MWF into multiple domains within
the same process. If I get a chance today, I'll try and fix it. I guess
we'll need to change the window name per app domain, because you can have
multiple domains existing, and each one needs to register a window class
with it's own callback. 

- Jonathan

On 9/10/06, Charlie Poole <charlie at nunit.com> wrote: 

Hi All,

Running the NUnit tests under Mono 1.1.17 on Windows XP, a message
box appears with the caption "Oops" and message
"Could not register the SWFClass window class, win32 error 0"

This happens when running the tests of the window gui, either
under the gui or from the console. In the case of the console,
this additional message appears in the console output
"Mono System.Windows.Forms Assembly [$auto_build_revision$]

In the case of the gui, clicking on Run a second time causes
the gui to silently exit.

Any suggestions? Could this be a configuration problem, or
is it a bug?


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