[Mono-dev] [PATCH] System.ServiceProcess API compatibilityfixes - try #2

Gert Driesen gert.driesen at telenet.be
Tue Sep 5 07:11:02 EDT 2006

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jörg Rosenkranz" <joerg.rosenkranz at gmail.com>
To: "Gert Driesen" <gert.driesen at telenet.be>
Cc: "mono-devel mailing list" <mono-devel-list at lists.ximian.com>
Sent: Tuesday, September 05, 2006 12:51 PM
Subject: Re: [Mono-dev] [PATCH] System.ServiceProcess API 
compatibilityfixes - try #2

> Hello Gert,
> I see no problems with this patch as it shouldn't affect the Linux
> mono-service implementation.

Now that you bring it up, could you explain how the mono-service 
implementation works. I've never looked into it.

Is it a daemon ?

I've been given our windows/unix interoperability for 
services/eventlog/registry some thought. To allow seemless cross-platform 
access (from Windows machine to Linux or vice versa) to these base services, 
we have two options:

* either we implement the win32 low-level protocols for services, eventlog 
and registry on Linux


* we implement managed daemons for both Windows and Linux, and use either 
.NET remoting or web services to access these daemons remotely.

The first option would ofcourse be better, as it would not only allow 
(managed) Linux applications to access these base services on a Windows 
machine, but it would also allow the native MS tools to access these 
services on a Linux system. However, I think this would be a *huge* project 
which cannot be realised within a reasonable timeframe.

The second option would not be all that hard to implement. We already have 
native win32 and linux support for the registry and eventlog in place, and I 
should have a wrapper for the win32 service implementation ready in a few 
days or so (if I find enough free time).

For Windows, all we'd need is to write either .NET remoting or web services 
wrappers around these API's. For Linux, we also need to implement a Service 
Control Manager ourselves (if mono-service doesn't do this already).

These daemons could then be packaged as a Mono Management Pack for Windows / 
Linux. This would definitely give Mono more exposure in corporate 

I'm just thinking out loud, feel free to bring my feet back on the ground.


> 2006/9/5, Gert Driesen <gert.driesen at telenet.be>:
>> guess it's no good without the patch itself, or is it ;-)
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Gert Driesen" <gert.driesen at telenet.be>
>> To: "'mono-devel mailing list'" <mono-devel-list at lists.ximian.com>
>> Sent: Tuesday, September 05, 2006 12:37 PM
>> Subject: [PATCH] System.ServiceProcess API compatibility fixes
>> > Hi,
>> >
>> > The attached patch fixes some (not all) API compatibility issue in the
>> > System.ServiceProcess assembly in preparation for my win32 
>> > implementation.
>> >
>> > Let me know if it's ok to commit.
>> >
>> > Signed-off-by: Gert Driesen <drieseng at users.sourceforge.net>
>> >
>> > Gert
>> >
>> >
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