[Mono-dev] [PATCH] BUG in TypeDescriptor.GetAttributes : Ignores overriden attributes

Ivan N. Zlatev contact at i-nz.net
Fri Sep 1 17:09:43 EDT 2006

The current implementation of TypeDescriptor.GetAttributes ignores
overriden attributes and returns the bottom most in the inheritance
tree. The attached patch fixes that. I have also attached a test case
so you can observe the wrong behaviour. The patch also does whitespace

Please review and commit.

P.S: The fix is this and everything else is just the whitespace cleanup:

=== START ===
 		protected AttributeCollection GetAttributes (IComponent comp)
 			if (_attributes != null)
 				return _attributes;
 			bool cache = true;
 			object[] ats = _infoType.GetCustomAttributes (true);
 			Hashtable t = new Hashtable ();
-			foreach (Attribute at in ats)
-				t [at.TypeId] = at;
-			if (comp != null && comp.Site != null)
+			// Filter the custom attributes, so that only the top
+			// level of the same type are left.
+			//
+			for (int i = ats.Length -1; i > 0; i--) {
+				t [((Attribute) ats[i]).TypeId] = ats[i];
+			}
+			if (comp != null && comp.Site != null)
 				ITypeDescriptorFilterService filter =
(ITypeDescriptorFilterService) comp.Site.GetService
 				cache = filter.FilterAttributes (comp, t);
=== END ===
Ivan N. Zlatev

Web: http://www.i-nZ.net
GPG Key: http://files.i-nZ.net/i-nZ.asc
"It's all some kind of whacked out conspiracy."
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