[Mono-dev] Performance improvments in DataRow
A Nagappan
anagappan at novell.com
Tue Nov 28 12:45:02 EST 2006
Nice work :)
Few comments about the patch (only with respect to coding standards ;).
Add required spacing where ever appropriate.
+ Doublet d= (Doublet)columnNameCount[name.ToLower()];
+ if (d!=null)
something like
+ Doublet d = (Doublet) columnNameCount [name.ToLower ()];
+ if (d != null)
Modify the following
+ if (d!=null)
+ {
+ if (d!=null) {
Also, add a generic test-case.
Nagappan A <anagappan at novell.com>
Linux Desktop Testing Project - http://ldtp.freedesktop.org
Novell, Inc.
SUSE® Linux Enterprise 10
Your Linux is ready™
>>> Hubert FONGARNAND <informatique.internet at fiducial.fr> 11/28/06 10:35 PM >>>
I've posted a patch that resolve a performance problem on DataRow...
see : http://bugzilla.ximian.com/show_bug.cgi?id=80075
with this patch, my ported ASP.NET is now at 0.93 second for 1 page (it
was 2s before...)
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