[Mono-dev] Improving memory usage in /System.Web.SessionState/SessionSQLServerHandler.cs

Robert Jordan robertj at gmx.net
Tue Nov 28 04:53:09 EST 2006

Hi Hubert,

Hubert FONGARNAND wrote:
> Could someone commit this patch?

Let me check it first against another DB providers.


> Thanks
> Le lundi 27 novembre 2006 à 12:17 +0100, Hubert FONGARNAND a écrit :
>> Hi,
>> When using Npgsql, if you try to send (INSERT or UPDATE) a bytea
>> (blob) element without using "Prepare" it will be sent as a Escaped
>> string... This string is 4x bigger than the real bytea...
>> So : The memory usage on the ASP.NET server is enormous when the blob
>> is more than 1MB... and the network traffic is enormous too!
>> (see
>> http://pgfoundry.org/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1000458&group_id=1000140&atid=590)
>> If you want to avoid that you've to use Prepare before executing
>> ExecuteNonQuery, or ExecuteReader...
>> If you don't believe me use Ethereal (wireshark)
>> Here's a patch that add a cmd.Prepare allowing Npgsql sending data in
>> binary format!
>> This patch shouldn't change anything if you use other connector than
>> Npgsql.
>> Thanks to review it!
>> Index: mcs/class/System.Web/System.Web.SessionState/SessionSQLServerHandler.cs
>> ===================================================================
>> --- mcs/class/System.Web/System.Web.SessionState/SessionSQLServerHandler.cs     (révision 68495)
>> +++ mcs/class/System.Web/System.Web.SessionState/SessionSQLServerHandler.cs     (copie de travail)
>> @@ -196,6 +196,7 @@
>>                         command.CommandText = selectCommand;
>>                         command.Parameters.Add (CreateParam (command, DbType.String, "SessionID", id));
>>                         command.Parameters.Add (CreateParam (command, DbType.DateTime, "Expires", DateTime.Now ));
>> +                       command.Prepare();
>>                         return command.ExecuteReader ();
>>                 }
>> @@ -253,7 +254,7 @@
>>                                                    session.StaticObjects.ToByteArray ()));
>>                         param.Add (CreateParam (command, DbType.Binary, "SessionData",
>>                                                    session.SessionDictionary.ToByteArray ()));
>> -
>> +                       command.Prepare();
>>                         command.ExecuteNonQuery ();
>>                 }
>> @@ -287,6 +288,7 @@
>>                         param.Add (CreateParam (command, DbType.Int32, "Timeout", timeout));
>>                         param.Add (CreateParam (command, DbType.Binary, "SessionData",
>>                                                                 dict.ToByteArray ()));
>> +                       command.Prepare();
>>                         command.ExecuteNonQuery ();
>>                 }
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