[Mono-dev] Re: "CreateThread: error creating thread handle" with mod_mono and ASP.NET

Robert Jordan robertj at gmx.net
Fri Mar 31 03:33:08 EST 2006

Hi Hubert,

> My server is up since about 24h...
> Does someone has ever since this kind of error, this is the log of
> mod_mono (in verbose mode)...

It looks like mono was running out of wapi handles.

I don't know which is the max handle count or whether
all handles share the same table. For the latter,
the error may be unrelated to threading. Maybe you
forget to close some files after each request.

> Mod_mono does'nt restart mod_mono_server automatically when
> mod_mono_server crashes, so i'm writing a program that manages my
> "mod_mono_servers"... 

I've patched mod_mono to do this. It's not bullet-proof,
but it works for us. Take care to always remove all
lock files /tmp/mod_mono* file before starting apache.


> thanks
> ** (/usr/lib/pkgconfig/../../lib/xsp/1.0/mod-mono-server.exe:6649):
> WARNING **: CreateThread: error creating thread handle
> Unhandled Exception: System.ExecutionEngineException: Couldn't create
> thread
> in <0x00000> <unknown method>
> in (wrapper delegate-begin-invoke)
> System.MulticastDelegate:begin_invoke_IAsyncResult_object_AsyncCallback_object (object,System.AsyncCallback,object)
> in <0x00012> System.Threading.ThreadPool:QueueUserWorkItem
> (System.Threading.WaitCallback callback)
> in <0x00226> Mono.WebServer.ApplicationServer:RunServer ()
> in (wrapper delegate-invoke) System.MulticastDelegate:invoke_void ()

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