[Mono-dev] Running mono on RHELv3

Hafsa Subhan hsubhan at sourcegear.com
Wed Mar 29 16:19:03 EST 2006

Thanks for a quick reply. So, there could be two cases. One being to 
initialize DateTime, and the second, to use a different serialization 
format. One, as XML does not have default initializer we had written a 
code to perform the initialization of date to July 1, 1850, so looks 
like thats not an issue. Second, since it is encoded in Vault's 
protocol, looks like changing serialization format would affect the 
entire application. Is there any other workaround? Thanks, once again 
for the help.

Rafael Teixeira wrote:
> It is the old problem of dates in SOAP xml doesn't being serialized as
> needed to prevent time zone misinterpretation in the server or client.
> If you can adjust the timezone in the server or the client to match
> the other end, the problem may disappear but that is not truly a
> solution.
> The TimeZone drifting always occur, but the exception only should
> occur when a uninitialized DateTime is sent so that the timezone
> adjustment make it go beyond the valid range. It may be a failure on
> the Vault code to allow for transmitting an uninitialized DateTime,
> they can correct the situation by either avoiding it or forcing  an
> alternate serialization format (I normally send ticks instead).
> Hope it helps,
> On 3/17/06, Hafsa Subhan <hsubhan at sourcegear.com> wrote:
>>  Hi
>>  One of out customers is using mono to run Vault on Red Hat Enterprise Linux
>> version 3. On running this command  (which is setting a working folder for a
>> repository folder in database)
>>  usr/bin/mono /usr/local/Vault/vault.exe setworkingfolder -repository
>> Accipiter \$/project_dir/ /system_dir
>>  It is displaying an Argument out of range error message shown below. Can
>> you tell what could be causing this error?
>>  <vault>
>>  <error>
>>  Argument is out of range.
>>  </error>
>>  <exception>
>>  System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Argument is out of
>> range.
>>  in <0x0010a> System.DateTime:AddTicks (Int64 t)
>>  in <0x00029> System.DateTime:Add (TimeSpan ts)
>>  in <0x0015d> System.TimeZone:ToLocalTime (DateTime time)
>>  in <0x00038> System.DateTime:ToLocalTime ()
>>  in <0x01779> System.DateTime:_DoParse (System.String s, System.String
>> format, Boolean exact, System.DateTime result,
>> System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo dfi, DateTimeStyles
>> style, System.Boolean longYear)
>>  in <0x00045> System.DateTime:ParseExact (System.String s, System.String[]
>> formats, System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo dfi,
>> DateTimeStyles style, System.DateTime ret, Boolean exact, System.Boolean
>> longYear)
>>  in <0x00066> System.DateTime:ParseExact (System.String s, System.String[]
>> formats, IFormatProvider fp, DateTimeStyles style)
>>  in <0x0002c> System.Xml.XmlConvert:ToDateTime
>> (System.String s, System.String[] formats)
>>  in <0x00016> System.Xml.XmlConvert:ToDateTime
>> (System.String s)
>>  in <0x000e3>
>> System.Xml.Serialization.XmlCustomFormatter:FromXmlString
>> (System.Xml.Serialization.TypeData type, System.String
>> value)
>>  in <0x00082>
>> System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializationReaderInterpreter:GetValueFromX
>> mlString (System.String value,
>> System.Xml.Serialization.TypeData typeData,
>> System.Xml.Serialization.XmlTypeMapping typeMap)
>>  in <0x000f7>
>> System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializationReaderInterpreter:ReadPrimitive
>> Value (System.Xml.Serialization.XmlTypeMapElementInfo elem)
>>  in <0x00074>
>> System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializationReaderInterpreter:ReadObjectEle
>> ment (System.Xml.Serialization.XmlTypeMapElementInfo elem)
>>  in <0x01e04>
>> System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializationReaderInterpreter:ReadMembers
>> (System.Xml.Serialization.ClassMap map, System.Object ob,
>> Boolean isValueList, Boolean readByOrder)
>>  in <0x0003c>
>> System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializationReaderInterpreter:ReadClassInst
>> anceMembers (System.Xml.Serialization.XmlTypeMapping
>> typeMap, System.Object ob)
>>  in <0x00194>
>> System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializationReaderInterpreter:ReadClassInst
>> ance (System.Xml.Serialization.XmlTypeMapping typeMap,
>> Boolean isNullable, Boolean checkType)
>>  in <0x0005f>
>> System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializationReaderInterpreter:ReadObject
>> (System.Xml.Serialization.XmlTypeMapping typeMap, Boolean
>> isNullable, Boolean checkType)
>>  in <0x000e1>
>> System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializationReaderInterpreter:ReadObjectEle
>> ment (System.Xml.Serialization.XmlTypeMapElementInfo elem)
>>  in <0x01e04>
>> System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializationReaderInterpreter:ReadMembers
>> (System.Xml.Serialization.ClassMap map, System.Object ob,
>> Boolean isValueList, Boolean readByOrder)
>>  in <0x0003c>
>> System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializationReaderInterpreter:ReadClassInst
>> anceMembers (System.Xml.Serialization.XmlTypeMapping
>> typeMap, System.Object ob)
>>  in <0x00194>
>> System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializationReaderInterpreter:ReadClassInst
>> ance (System.Xml.Serialization.XmlTypeMapping typeMap,
>> Boolean isNullable, Boolean checkType)
>>  in <0x0005f>
>> System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializationReaderInterpreter:ReadObject
>> (System.Xml.Serialization.XmlTypeMapping typeMap, Boolean
>> isNullable, Boolean checkType)
>>  in <0x000e1>
>> System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializationReaderInterpreter:ReadObjectEle
>> ment (System.Xml.Serialization.XmlTypeMapElementInfo elem)
>>  in <0x01e04>
>> System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializationReaderInterpreter:ReadMembers
>> (System.Xml.Serialization.ClassMap map, System.Object ob,
>> Boolean isValueList, Boolean readByOrder)
>>  in <0x001d4>
>> System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializationReaderInterpreter:ReadMessage
>> (System.Xml.Serialization.XmlMembersMapping typeMap)
>>  in <0x000c6>
>> System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializationReaderInterpreter:ReadRoot
>> ()
>>  in <0x0005d>
>> System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer:Deserialize
>> (System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializationReader reader)
>>  in <0x00040>
>> System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer:Deserialize
>> (System.Xml.XmlReader xmlReader)
>>  in <0x000d9>
>> System.Web.Services.Protocols.WebServiceHelper:ReadSoapMessage
>> (System.Xml.XmlTextReader xmlReader,
>> System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer bodySerializer,
>> System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer headerSerializer,
>> System.Object body,
>> System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHeaderCollection headers)
>>  in <0x0003e>
>> System.Web.Services.Protocols.WebServiceHelper:ReadSoapMessage
>> (System.Xml.XmlTextReader xmlReader,
>> System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapMethodStubInfo method,
>> SoapHeaderDirection dir, System.Object body,
>> System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHeaderCollection headers)
>>  in <0x002bd>
>> System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol:ReceiveResponse
>> (System.Net.WebResponse response,
>> System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapClientMessage message,
>> System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapExtension[] extensions)
>>  in <0x0024f>
>> System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol:Invoke
>> (System.String method_name, System.Object[] parameters)
>> _______________________________________________
>> Mono-devel-list mailing list
>> Mono-devel-list at lists.ximian.com
>> http://lists.ximian.com/mailman/listinfo/mono-devel-list
> --
> Rafael "Monoman" Teixeira
> ---------------------------------------
> As I'm currently working a lot with Java and even fixing Java VMs
> (JamVM/Kaffe) and GNU Classpath code, I think I may partly borrow the
> title (Javaman) from my friend Bruno Souza and become the
> MonoNJavaMan. Yeah, I may currently be crazier than usual...

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