[Mono-dev] [Fwd: [Mono-list] make check failed on solaris x86]

Zoltan Varga vargaz at gmail.com
Thu Jun 22 07:00:36 EDT 2006


  This is now fixed on our 1.1.13 branch.


On 6/21/06, jedy <Jedy.Wang at sun.com> wrote:
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: jedy <Jedy.Wang at Sun.COM>
> To: mono-list at lists.ximian.com
> Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2006 12:03:24 +0800
> Subject: [Mono-list] make check failed on solaris x86
> Hi,
> I built mono- on solaris with gcc-3.3.2. But when I make check,
> it fails because of segment fault. The output is as follows:
> Test run:
> image=/export/home/test/src/mono-,
> opts=peephole,branch,inline,consprop,copyprop,deadce,linears,shared,intrins,loop,abcrem
> Results: total tests: 39, failed: 0, cfailed: 0 (pass: 100.00%)
> Elapsed time: 0.008936 secs (0.002926, 0.006010), Code size: 2314
> Test run:
> image=/export/home/test/src/mono-,
> opts=
> =================================================================
> Got a SIGSEGV while executing native code. This usually indicates
> a fatal error in the mono runtime or one of the native libraries
> used by your application.
> =================================================================
> Stacktrace:
> make[4]: *** [rcheck] Abort (core dumped)
> make[4]: Leaving directory
> `/export/home/test/src/mono-'
> make[3]: *** [check-am] Error 2
> make[3]: Leaving directory
> `/export/home/test/src/mono-'
> make[2]: *** [check] Error 2
> make[2]: Leaving directory
> `/export/home/test/src/mono-'
> make[1]: *** [check-recursive] Error 1
> make[1]: Leaving directory `/export/home/test/src/mono-'
> make: *** [check-recursive] Error 1
> If i run
> mono  /export/home/test/src/mono- The
> output is:
> =================================================================
> Got a SIGSEGV while executing native code. This usually indicates
> a fatal error in the mono runtime or one of the native libraries
> used by your application.
> =================================================================
> Stacktrace:
> in (wrapper managed-to-native)
> System.Reflection.MonoMethod:InternalInvoke (object,object[]) <0x4>
> in (wrapper managed-to-native)
> System.Reflection.MonoMethod:InternalInvoke (object,object[])
> <0xfffff6cd>
> in System.Reflection.MonoMethod:Invoke
> (object,System.Reflection.BindingFlags,System.Reflection.Binder,object[],System.Globalization.CultureInfo) <0x8d>
> in System.Reflection.MethodBase:Invoke (object,object[]) <0x1a>
> in TestDriver:RunTests (System.Type,string[]) <0x362>
> in TestDriver:RunTests (System.Type) <0xc>
> in Tests:Main () <0xc>
> in (wrapper runtime-invoke) System.Object:runtime_invoke_int
> (object,intptr,intptr,intptr) <0x37a3bc16>
> Abort (core dumped)
> And pstack core gives me:
> core 'core' of 26496:
> mono /export/home/test/src/mono-
> -----------------  lwp# 1 / thread# 1  --------------------
>  d1439b95 _lwp_kill (1, 6) + 15
>  d13fe0af raise    (6) + 22
>  d13e0498 abort    (8046c28, d1482a60, 8046be8, 814b5a6, 8046cb4,
> 1c9016b) + cd
>  0816439c mono_print_thread_dump (8046cb4, 1c9016b, d17b2000, d147f000)
>  0814b5a6 sigsegv_signal_handler (b, 8046e90, 8046c90) + af
>  d143867f __sighndlr (b, 8046e90, 8046c90, 814b4f7) + f
>  d142e3b0 call_user_handler (b, 8046e90, 8046c90) + 247
>  d142e538 sigacthandler (b, 8046e90, 8046c90) + bc
>  --- called from signal handler with signal 11 (SIGSEGV) ---
>  0807b638 mono_arch_is_int_overflow (8047050, 804722c, d17b2000,
> d147f000) + 21
>  0814b48c sigfpe_signal_handler (8, 804722c, 804702c) + 2a
>  d143867f __sighndlr (8, 804722c, 804702c, 814b462) + f
>  d142e3b0 call_user_handler (8, 804722c, 804702c) + 247
>  d142e538 sigacthandler (8, 804722c, 804702c) + bc
>  --- called from signal handler with signal 8 (SIGFPE) ---
>  d06f1367 ???????? (8226f00, 8226f00, 804734c, 814b118, 8406508, 11698b)
>  d070f867 ???????? (0, 0, 0, d06f1328)
>  0814b457 mono_jit_runtime_invoke (8406508, 0, 0, 0, 0, 82377c8) + da
>  080b7d6f mono_runtime_invoke (8406508, 0, 0, 0, 8406508, 0) + 18
>  080b8d77 mono_runtime_invoke_array (8406508, 0, 0, 0, 81136b9, 8203140)
> + 2e9
>  080be8c9 ves_icall_InternalInvoke (82dae88, 0, 0) + 24e
>  d071db82 ???????? (82dae88, 0, 0)
>  d071d226 ???????? (82dae88, 0, 0, 8233fb8, 0, 0)
>  d071d18b ???????? (82dae88, 0, 0)
>  d070fe7b ???????? (8230eb0, 0)
>  d070fafd ???????? (8230eb0, 8047598, d070f867, 8226f00, 8226f00,
> 8047598)
>  d070fad5 ???????? (8226f00, 8226f00, 8047598, 814b118, 82e0fc0, 11698b)
>  d070f867 ???????? (0, 8047608, 0, d070fac8)
>  0814b457 mono_jit_runtime_invoke (82e0fc0, 0, 8047608, 0, 8405b10,
> 8226f00) + da
>  080b7d6f mono_runtime_invoke (82e0fc0, 0, 8047608, 0) + 18
>  080b8a12 mono_runtime_exec_main (82e0fc0, 822fe10, 0, 80b85a6, 8202080,
> 8226f00) + b9
>  080b877a mono_runtime_run_main (82e0fc0, 1, 80477e0, 0) + 1e5
>  08072177 mono_jit_exec (8226f00, 82e0390, 1, 80477dc) + 89
>  0807223a main_thread_handler (8047760, 0, 8047788, 8073293) + b8
>  08073317 mono_main (2, 80477d8, 8047794, d17fb748) + fe1
>  080714dd main     (2, 80477d8, 80477e4) + 1e
>  080713c9 _start   (2, 80478d4, 80478d9, 0, 8047916, 804798c) + 5d
> -----------------  lwp# 2 / thread# 2  --------------------
>  d1439be5 __lwp_wait (0, d0e99f70) + 15
>  d1435116 _thrp_join (0, d0e99fc0, d0e99fc4, 1) + 5d
>  d1435254 thr_join (0, d0e99fc0, d0e99fc4, d14266a4) + 23
>  08129302 GC_thr_daemon (0) + 1a
>  d143832f _thr_setup (d17b2400) + 51
>  d1438580 _lwp_start (d17b2400, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
> -----------------  lwp# 3 / thread# 3  --------------------
>  d1438915 ___nanosleep (d0740fbc, 0) + 15
>  d14a3af9 nanosleep (d0740fbc, 0, d147f000, 817758c) + 1e
>  081775af collection_thread (0) + 2f
>  d143832f _thr_setup (d0720000) + 51
>  d1438580 _lwp_start (d0720000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
> -----------------  lwp# 4 / thread# 4  --------------------
>  d14385d9 __lwp_park (824a5f4, 824a5dc, 8403de8) + 19
>  d14328b8 cond_wait_queue (824a5f4, 824a5dc, 8403de8, 0) + 3e
>  d1432c5f cond_wait_common (824a5f4, 824a5dc, 8403de8) + 1e9
>  d1432e8e _cond_timedwait (824a5f4, 824a5dc, 8403e6c) + 4a
>  d1432f1f cond_timedwait (824a5f4, 824a5dc, 8403e6c) + 27
>  d1432f5e pthread_cond_timedwait (824a5f4, 824a5dc, 8403e6c, 8105554) +
> 21
>  081055be timedwait_signal_poll_cond (824a5f4, 824a5dc, 0, 8105679) + 76
>  0810588a _wapi_handle_timedwait_signal_handle (104, 0, 6, 810564f) +
> 21f
>  08105663 _wapi_handle_wait_signal_handle (104, 4, 8403f3c, 8403f04) +
> 20
>  081145fe WaitForSingleObjectEx (104, ffffffff, 1, 80c947d) + 1df
>  080c94b2 finalizer_thread (0, 8403f8c, 80c9471, d0a67b0c, 8403f9c,
> d17fdba0) + 41
>  080d826b start_wrapper (82dc268) + b5
>  08112c94 thread_start_routine (d0a67aec) + e3
>  d143832f _thr_setup (d0720400) + 51
>  d1438580 _lwp_start (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
> Does anyone know what the matter is?
> Thanks
> Jedy Wang
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