[Mono-dev] patch for String equality/inequality

Atsushi Eno atsushi at ximian.com
Thu Feb 16 08:22:24 EST 2006


I noticed that String operator != just reuses == i.e. a != b
returns ! (a == b). It could be more effective if operator!=
has actual implementation code. Also, string.Equals() currently
calls operator!= which performs extraneous null check (maybe
static invocation was faster?).

As far as I tried with XMLmark, the attached patch certainly
improves performance (though not big, about 2%). If it looks
good feel free to apply to trunk.

I noticed that string op_Equality is slow, about 2x than MS.
There might be chances to improve it.

Atsushi Eno

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Name: inequality-and-instance-based-eq.patch
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