[Mono-dev] ASP.NET MySql connection

Michał Ziemski rook at roo.k.pl
Wed Dec 20 04:41:51 EST 2006


Now for the tricky part:
go to /usr/lib/mono/1.0 (2.0 if you are using 2.0)
make a symbolic link here to MySql.Data.dll in gac (ln -s 
It should work now (at least it worked for me :)).

In case of emergency, you can always copy MySql.Data to bin directory
in your application path.


Dariusz Linowski napisał(a):
> Hello,
> thanks for response.
> I used reference in Web.config and change relate to you advice from:
> <add assembly="MySql.Data,Version=, Culture=neutral,
> PublicKeyToken=c5687fc88969c44d"/></assemblies></compilation>
> to:
> <add assembly="MySql.Data"/></assemblies></compilation>
> and received new error message:
> Error message:
> /tmp/asterisk-temp-aspnet-0/841db34f/4ef743b7._1.cs(8,2) : error
> CS0246: The type or namespace name `DataObject' could not be found.
> Are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?
> Source File: /tmp/asterisk-temp-aspnet-0/841db34f/4ef743b7._1.cs
> 06-12-19, Michał Ziemski <rook at roo.k.pl> napisał(a):
>> Hi!
>> Is the error message still the same?
>> Then perhaps you have analogous references in Global.asax?
>> Try removing Version, Culture, PTK from there.
>> Try leaving only the module name.
>> Cheers!
>> Michał Ziemski
>> Dariusz Linowski napisał(a):
>>> it didn't help for my application ):
>>> ;
>>> 2006/12/19, Michał Ziemski <rook at roo.k.pl>:
>>>> Hi!
>>>> Got the same problem yesterday.
>>>> I removed Version, Culture, PTK leaving only the name and it worked.
>>>> Still I am not certain if this new behaviour is a bug or a feature.
>>>> Cheers!
>>>> Michał Ziemski
>>>> Dariusz Linowski napisał(a):
>>>>> Hello,
>>>>> I rewrote my code skiped VDW toolbox controls and now is more better
>>>>> but not good (:
>>>>> Currently I receive message:
>>>>> error CS0006: cannot find metadata file `'   What is wrong?
>>>>> In the GAC i see this assmembles:
>>>>> [root at asterisk1 conf]# gacutil -l |grep MySql
>>>>> MySql.Data, Version=, Culture=neutral,
>>>>> PublicKeyToken=c5687fc88969c44d
>>>>> MySql.Data, Version=, Culture=neutral,
>>>>> PublicKeyToken=8e323390df8d9ed4
>>>>> MySql.Data, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=c5687fc88969c44d
>>>>> On  the Web.config i have:
>>>>> <add  assembly="MySql.Data,Version=,Culture=neutral,PublicKeyToken=c5687fc88969c44d"/></assemblies></compilation>
>>>>> On the httpd.conf  I have:
>>>>> MonoPath visual /usr/lib/mono/gac/MySql.Data/

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