[Mono-dev] MonoTODO attribute usage policy.

Charlie Poole charlie at nunit.com
Thu Dec 7 12:28:12 EST 2006

Would one or more separate attributes serve better? Would it be better if
MonoTODO were called MonoNotSupported and just did one job?
In following the discussion, it struck me that the naming of the attribute
was an open invitation to use it in ways it wasn't intended to be used.


From: mono-devel-list-bounces at lists.ximian.com
[mailto:mono-devel-list-bounces at lists.ximian.com] On Behalf Of Eyal Alaluf
Sent: Thursday, December 07, 2006 3:20 AM
To: Miguel de Icaza; Ximian Mono List; mono-devel-list at lists.ximian.com
Cc: Philippe Cohen; Noam Lampert
Subject: Re: [Mono-dev] MonoTODO attribute usage policy.

Hi, Miguel.


We at Mainsoft would like to extend the MonoTODO for documentation purposes
and for the benenfit of tools (like NOMA).

For that end I propose the following change:

  Define - enum MonoTODOCategory { NotSupported, Limitation,
DocumentationNote, Extension, InternalRemark }

  Add a ctor to MonoTODO attribute with the enum as the first param.

This way it will be easy to identify the reason the MonoTODO was added to
the code and use it properly in the documentation or tool.

Any comments are welcome.




-----Original Message-----
From: mono-devel-list-bounces at lists.ximian.com
[mailto:mono-devel-list-bounces at lists.ximian.com] On Behalf Of Miguel de
Sent: 14 November 2006 23:34
To: Ximian Mono List; mono-devel-list at lists.ximian.com
Subject: [Mono-dev] MonoTODO attribute usage policy.




    MonoTODO attributes have been used in the past for two purposes: to

warn us about things that must be reviewed (this shows up on the class

status pages) and for comments that a developer would use.


    Since the Mono Meeting, we discussed using MonoTODOs instead as a

mechanism to provide a textual description that would assist a developer

that might use the API.  So the description should now be only to be

consumed by a user of the API (this is what we actually had documented

in the Wiki).


    This means that implementation notes like "We should improve X or

Y", do not belong in MonoTODO attributes.  Use "FIXME" strings on the

code, or if the issue is one worth following up with, then file a bug in



    I have updated the 








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