[Mono-dev] gendarme: nant build files

Curtis Wensley curtis.wensley at gmail.com
Tue Aug 29 04:02:10 EDT 2006

Why not use .net prebuild?

It can generate nant, vs2003, vs2005, monodevelop, and sharpdevelop 
projects/solutions from a single xml definition.  This cuts down maintenance 
of project files quite tremendously.  It is here:


This can be used during tarball creation or deployment to generate all the 
necessary project files automatically.


On Monday 28 August 2006 14:39, Sebastien Pouliot wrote:
Hello Christian,

On Mon, 2006-08-28 at 23:13 +0200, Christian Birkl wrote:
> Since i'm a windows user (I don't believe I've said this loud) it is
> really hard for me to run the Makefile based build.

Using the Makefile should work using cygwin (and I can't believe I'm
suggesting cygwin to someone ;-)

> Also MonoDevelop is just available for *nis (last time i checked) so
> no chance for us windows developers to build gendarme out of the box.
> I get your point with the outdating - but currently as a windows
> developer you just get the source and need to manually create either
> VS projects or nant build files. By providing at least nant build
> files one may easier begin patching gendarme than without.

I understand this issue, which is why I'm open to a third build system.
But, like I said, I don't have any NAnt knowledge myself so someone else
needs to step up for it ;-)

Why ? because once this is in SVN/tarballs people will expect it to be
maintained (even if I write "use at your own risk" in the README).

> Since I'm not that involved in other projects - how do other handle
> this issue with "build files"?

I suspect they each build their own project file (e.g. in VS.NET) and
yes this is clearly inefficient.

Now one of my computers is a WinXP box with VS.NET 2005, so I may take
the time to create a VS.NET solution in the future as, somehow, it make
sense "test-wise" and commit it into SVN (if there is demand for it).

But I'm still open to a contributor-supported NAnt build ;-)

> Christian
> 2006/8/28, Sebastien Pouliot <sebastien.pouliot at gmail.com>:
>         Hello Christian,
>         On Mon, 2006-08-28 at 22:47 +0200, Christian Birkl wrote:
>         > Hello all,
>         >
>         > attached a NAnt build file for build and running gendarme.
>         Two things
>         > bug me currently which should be corrected by someone who
>         has more
>         > experiences with nant build files:
>         We already have 2 build systems (Makefile and MonoDevelop) for
>         Gendarme.
>         I don't mind adding a third one, but I don't want to maintain
>         it ;-)
>         Will you maintain it ? (*)
>         (*) which also means that it will get deleted if it gets
>         outdated and
>         not updated for a while (i.e. after I get angry few emails
>         about it ;-)
>         >  - Mono.Cecil location must be specified as property (a
>         dynamic lookup
>         > in gac/pkg-config would be nice)
>         >  - same with nunit.framework if you want to run the unit
>         tests.
>         I don't know much about NAnt myself. Maybe Gert could help you
>         with this ?
>         Thanks
>         p.s. let fix those issues before committing the build file (as
>         I
>         *really* want running the unit tests to be as easy as
>         possible).
>         --
>         Sebastien Pouliot  <sebastien at ximian.com>
>         Blog: http://pages.infinit.net/ctech/

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