[Mono-dev] Fwd: [Mono-patches] r63710 - in trunk/mcs/class/System.Web: System.Web.UI.WebControls Test/System.Web.UI.WebControls

Kornél Pál kornelpal at gmail.com
Tue Aug 15 10:47:16 EDT 2006


> Hmm, I rather read Miguel's comment as "emacs has no control over
> BOM". If it does emit BOMs, we cannot expect emacs users to *not*
> output them.
> But if it doesn't - I love the idea to replace Latin1 with UTF-8
> (no worries; I wouldn't put my Kanji name there ;-).

I read it as emacs does nothing with BOM so it won't be added/removed/moved. 
I CCd Miguel because it's easier to ask him than guessing.:)

And attached a modified version of Latin1ToUtf8.cs that processes MWF and 
MSVB as well.

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